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Nabi walked through the building door in a hurry

She was late again...

She was focused on the ground that she didn't see the person coming her way...

"Watch where you're going whore!"

It was a tall man with glasses. He looked very angry that she had accidentally bumped into making all his papers fall

"Maybe you should watch it sir!"

She was angry too. How dare he call her a whore

"Are you talking back now? women these days think they have so much power!"

The man was ready to slap her and Nabi flinched ready to feel the sting not realizing the hand that stopped the man

Heeseung was in front of her glaring at the man

"Who are you? are you one of this slut's many men?"

The man chuckled with a smirk which only made Heeseung and the girl more angry

"I'm her boyfriend and quit calling my girl a slut before I get you fired from here"

Nabi held tightly onto heeseung's arm while the man only scoffed

"I'm pretty sure she has many other man other than you"

The audacity of this douchebag?!

"This is a very unprofessional thing to say in this building, you're fired"

Nabi was shocked to hear another voice behind her

Sunoo was standing there with his hands in his pocket with a deadly glare at the man

"And who are you? another one of her men?"

The man laughed only to receive a slap from Heeseung

Nabi gasped and told Heeseung to calm down since people were watching all this

"I'm the CEO of this company that you work at, I don't know who you think you are"

This made the man gasp and take a step back

"M-mr. Kim?!"

Sunoo only scoffed and signalled the guards to take the man out

"Are you alright Nabi, I'm sorry you had to go through that"

Heeseung comforted her while rubbing her back

"I'm alright don't worry"

Nabi gave Heeseung a small smile and bowed to Sunoo

"Get to work"

Sunoo said with a stern tone and walked away

"See? He still cares about you"

Heeseung wiggled his eyebrows making the girl hit his shoulders

"Nonsense, he was just doing what's right"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night girl"

They both laughed and separated into different ways to their work places


"I don't know what I did for her to do this to me"

The guy continuesly banged on the table while tears flowed down his cheeks

"That's enough now sun, you have to get over this"

"How do I get over this? She just left me so fast"

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