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"Just breath babes, you will be alright"

"I can't, what if I trip over and embarrass myself?"

"Gosh Nabi, you need to get these thoughts out of your head"

It was finally Nabi's big day...

Her wedding with the man she loves most

Nabi's friends were fanning her and calming her down since the girl had so many thoughts and looked like she could cry at any moment

She was wondering how her man was feeling at the moment. Was he just as nervous or chill about this?

Meanwhile with sunoo

"Come on Sun, sit down and chill for a second"

"No! What if I just faint right there"

Sunoo was walking back and forth across the room

"You are so dramatic Sun, never seen you like this"

Sunoo's friends were also helping him out since he was literally having a panic attack

"If you faint, she can give you CPR and it will be a perfect k-drama moment"

Jake snickered at his own joke while the others only shook their heads

That's right, Sunoo and Nabi both share the same friends now since they all get along easily with eachother

"Its time Mr.Kim"

Oh no

It was finally time to see the love of his life walk down the aisle.

He stood at the alter and greeted everyone with shaky hands

Nabi's legs were a bit wobbly but she stood still somehow

"You got this Nabs, we all will be watching from there, good luck"

Her girls kissed her goodluck before leaving her on her own

She heard the signal from the man and let out a loud sigh

The wide and tall doors opened for the girl and everyone diverted their attention to the door while bringing their phones out to film

The cameraman signalled the girl to walk

Nabi slowly started walking down the aisle with a beautiful smile. everyone couldn't help but awe at the girl's gorgeous smile

Her heart was beating so fast. she had so courage to look up at her soon to be husband

She walked past her best friends who all cheered for her as she passed by

Sunoo was looking at the love of his life, the woman of his dreams, the only woman he loved, loves, and will love for all eternity

Nabi had finally reached the alter deciding to look up at the man who held his hand out to her

Oh how handsome and etheral he looked

The girl was falling in love all over again just like how she fell when she saw him for the first time at that club

"You're so beautiful"

He whispered in her ear causing her to blush

"You don't look too bad yourself Mr.Kim"

Sunoo groaned hearing her call him that but oh well

"You may now kiss the bride"

Sunoo wasted no time before smashing his lips onto his woman

She was finally his and both of them couldn't be happier

Resilient [Kim Sunoo]Where stories live. Discover now