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Heyyyy, pls vote for my story and lemme know if you have any request for future stories. -Author


"It's been so long sunnyy" The girl hugged Sunoo tightly which instantly made him smile 

"It has been super long for sure ri" Sunoo hugged back and patted the girl's back

"Am i invisible now Sun or did u forget about me" a male voice spoke up 

"Stop sulking I didn't see your ass standing there seung" Sunoo hugged Heeseung slowly with an even bigger smile

"we missed you so much sun" Heeseung spoke up

The trio were now walking to Sunoo's and Heeseung's car so they can all meet at Sunoo's penthouse.

Nari and Heeseung often hang out but Sunoo can barely join them since he is so busy with everything 

"seung I see ur ass at work sometimes , stop being dramatic" The male playfully rolled his eyes

"we are in different departments sun" Heeseung fake cried clinging onto Sunoo more

"Ew seung , you are so dramatic" Nari laughed watching as Heeseung pouted at her

The trio were walking and catching up with everything 

"Sun how is it going with Nabi?" Nari wiggled her eyebrows and smirked

Sunoo immediately flushed red as he didn't expect for his bestie to bring her up

"Wait , the Nabi I know? ur assistant sun?" Heeseung was confused

His bestfriend has a crush on the sweet girl he met a while ago?

"Yes , it's her and we have nothing going on..I don't like her" Sunoo was once again denying it all.

he indeed did fall in love with her but he could not bring himself to admit it at all

"ay stop lying , I could tell you like her" Nari nudged his arm with a smirk 

Sunoo sighed and pressed the elevator button. The trio were now in the elevator and he felt the need to explain to his friends what is happening to him. 

He explained every single bit and how Jay and Nabi were hanging out so much and how he was so jealous.

He said it all to his friends who watched him in shock. They never imagined their bestfriend being so whipped for someone so fast and not wanting to admit it at all. 

"Sun , you're jealous because you completely fell for her" Nari told him

"She is right , also why did you torture the poor girl with all that work sun?" heeseung shook his head in disappointment

"I dont know guys , you know my pride is so high and I wanted some kind of revenge" The frustrated male sighed once again

"It's not nice , you should apologize to her sun..." Nari was worried 

"First admit that you fell in love and apolgize to her and try to tell her how you feel" Heeseung added in

"but she is engaged to Jongsaeng?" 

"You never know , you should at least tell her how you feel and get it off your shoulders"

Heeseung nodded and agreed with Nari since it was the best option for now. 

"I guess I can try that maybe" Sunoo shrugged with nervousness

The trio were almost there at their cars and were now still goofing around as Nari was making fun of Sunoo continuously.

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