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Nabi sighed once again as she cleaned her desk getting ready to go to lunch break

Why was it so awkward and hard to face her boss? . Why can't she forget about it like she promised herself?.

Nabi has no answer for that as she can't his best friend sitting in front of him in the morning . He was smiling at her so fondly.

Was Nari perhaps the reason he rejected her? she just shook those thoughts off and walked out the office.

She walked through the corriders and took the elevator to the cafeteria not forgetting to bow and greet the other workers she passed away.

Nabi walked and walked while looking down not realizing another human being was coming her way.

The said person bumped into her resulting in both of them falling down.

"I'm so sorry Ma'am , Let me help you out" The polite voice spoke as Nabi finally looked up 

It was a very handsome guy. The guy helped her up as he smiled at her fondly and started cleaning the dust off her clothes 

Nabi found the guy very handsome with a very fondly sweet aura. He had such a pretty smile . She wonders who he is 

"Thank you for the help sir" Nabi bowed ,

"I haven't seen you around here are you new" Nabi questioned

"I'm not new here , I have been here for years ma'am...I'm Lee Heeseung" The guy put his hand out for a handshake as he chuckled seeing her reaction

"oh wow , Im new here.. I have been working for a few months now , I'm Jeong nabi" Nabi sweetly smiled at Heeseung

"Nice to meet you Ms.Nabi , How about you join me for lunch today if you don't mind?" Heeseung remarked and stared at her sweetly

"Just call me Nabi sir...sure I don't mind joining a handsome guy for lunch" Nabi winked 

"Not as pretty as you are Nabi" Heeseung flew a blowing kiss while Nabi acted lovestruck 

The both of latters went and chose their food and sat down to eat and chit chat.

Both of them were laughing and cracking jokes like they have known eachother forever.

Two strangers who met a few minutes ago were already getting along not knowing someone was watching them while slowly approaching...


Sunoo spotted Nabi who was eating but she was sitting with a male...

Sunoo walked closer now finally seeing the male with Nabi

His bestfriend Lee Heeseung...

Sunoo suddenly felt a drop in heart as he started his past. His bestfriend who hooked up with his lover and stole her from him.

He dosen't know why he feels this way as he sees Nabi hold such a big smile talking to Heeseung. He knew Heeseung isn't like that so he shook off the thoughts.

"ahem" Sunoo cleared his throat as he saw both the peers turned their head to him

"wassup Sun How's it going?" Heeseung got up and dapped up Sunoo quickly with a big smile

"Heeseung , you know Mr.Kim ?" Nabi finally spoke with confusion 

"Oh yea I do , you know him too?" Heeseung stated

"she's my assitant" Sunoo uttered and almost glared at Heeseung for some reason

"Oh really you never told me" Heeseung smiled looking at both of them


"Do you wanna join us or something?" Heeseung pointed to the table with a little smile

"No thanks , Just came to talk to Ms.Jeong...Pls come to the office once your done" Sunoo finally presumed looking down

"oh alright" Nabi said while watching Sunoo walking away...


"I'll see you another time Heeseung , It was nice meeting you" Nabi sent the guy a smile

"Alright Nabi , It was also nice meeting you...catch you later" Heeseung winked and gave the girl a quick hug 

"for sure" Nabi sent the guy one last wink before she walked away to approach her boss's office once again

"I wonder what he even wants to talk about" Nabi thought with nervousness

She approached the office and went inside with a blank face. She bowed at her boss before sitting down in front of him

"Ms.Jeong , I just want to clear something real quick" Sunoo said while facing the girl with his hands clasped together.

"hm ok" Nabi avoided his gaze 

"I want to let you know that i'm sorry if i hurt you that day , I didn't intend to hurt you really...I'm just very confused about my feelings at the moment , I never intended to hurt you in any way" spoke sunoo with sincerity

"it's fine Mr.Kim , I should've expected it anyway" Nabi frowned

"Alright then I hope we are set off clear and good now Ms.Jeong"

"Mhm , Is there anything else you want to address?"The girl questioned

"Nope , that is it" Sunoo smiled lightly to which made the girl fluttered

She shook her thoughts off as she remembered she has to forget him 

"ok then , I'll be off to work now" Nabi uttered to which Sunoo replied with a fond smile and a nod.

The day has come to an end and Nabi bowed to her boss before heading out. 

Nabi was peacefully driving while listening to her favorite tunes.

Music is like another bestfriend of her's since it brings so much peace and happiness to her when she is in any kind of mood.

Anyday and any mood she can really rely on music itself.

She walked out of her car and got inside her apartment. Nabi cleaned herself up and made herself dinner before sitting down and scrolling on her phone til she got a call...

"hello Nabi , long time no talk" 

It was Nabi's aunt , She didn't love nor hate her aunt much since her aunt was all she had other than her sister who disappeared years ago.

"hey aunty , hows it going?" Nabi asked with curiousness

"It's been good Nabi , I have a question though?"

"what is it aunty" Nabi was more nervous now

"Remember the promise you left to your parents and the signed papers you gave them before they passed ?"

"hmm i don't seem to remember" Nabi was super confsued at this point 

"The promise that you will marry your Mother's Bestfriend's son?"....

Nabi's heart dropped...

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