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"Ms.Jeong , Would you mind going out with me?"

Nabi  was stunned as she never thought her boss would ask her out one day. She had no idea what to say at this point

"What do you mean sir?" Nabi asked with confusion

"We should get to know each other fully and go on a few dates , then we can get together" Sunoo spoke

He was right. They had a one night stand and then met each other again unexpectedly and barely know anything about each other. 

"Sure , but when do you wanna go out sir? aren't we meeting jongsaeng tonight?" The female asked

"Why not tomorrow evening then? since it will be a saturday" 

"Ok , that sounds good...let's do it" Nabi agreed

"Great , why don't we get back to work shall we?" The male reminded finally

The two peers started doing their individual work peacefully and quietly. Although, Nabi could not comprehend what had just happened.

Her boss confessed to her and has finally asked her out , she couldn't be any more happier. 

The girl took a few glances at the guy sitting a few feet from her and secretly watched him with a big smile.


The day has finally come to an end and Nabi was packing up her stuff to go home along with her boss.

"See you tonight sir" Nabi had made a bold move and tiptoed before giving a quick peck on Sunoo's face.

Sunoo did not expect that at all and blushed immensely while staring at the girl who had gotten shy and ran away.

He remembered how Nari told him He would blush and be flustered and realized she was right.

The male went home with a big smile on his face that night. He couldn't wait to see Nabi again.

"Sun , long time no see..and talk" A voice spoke from behing startling the guy who was just chilling on his couch

"Jongsaeng! it's been so long , come take a seat" Sunoo signaled Jay to sit down next to him

"How have you been Sun?" Jay finally broke the little silence

"I have been good jong , just super busy and all that...what about you?" He asked 

"I've been good , been missing you so much. I'm sorry i didn't know how to approach you..." Jay felt sorry 

"It's all good , I should be sorry as I let my jealousy and anger take over and kinda avoided you" Sunoo also felt sorry for avoiding one of his bestfriends since childhood over something stupid

"don't worry sun I totally understand where your coming from with that , i'd be jealous too" Jay reassured

Both of the two guys talked and caught up with everything.

Sunoo told Jay everything about how he finally got the courage to tell his feelings and made Nabi happy. 

"I'm so beyond proud of you sun , I knew you were just confused and were tryna figure it all out" Jay patted Sunoo's back softly

"Thanks jong , I seriously wouldn't do it if you hadn't flirted with her or if seung and Nari never gave me that courage" Sunoo thanked his bestfriend who only made him realize his feelings 

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