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Single mingle



Han Jisung sat in his kitchen counter eating his breakfast. It was the weekend now and he could finally relax from all his stress. Although he couldn't help it but feel uneasy with all the murders that have been happening in his town this past few weeks.

The police have reported to the citizens of the town to stay in their house at night because of the crazy serial killer. So far the killer has killed 6 people which made him uneasy. Although he wondered what was that note about. Every time the killer killed someone he always left a note behind saying Truth or death. Weird right?

Atleast jisung would be safe in his own house..for now.

Jisung's thoughts were soon interrupted by his phone ringing

"Hello?" He answered

"Hey ji are you coming to the cafè?" His friend felix asked him

"Oh yeah! Sorry I'm coming!" He said as he closed the call and hurriedly put on his shoes and left the house heading to the cafè where he was supposed to meet with his friends.

Soon enough, Jisung reached the cafè and saw his friends as he approached them

"Hey guys!" Jisung said as he sat down with his friends Felix and Seungmin. Although he didn't know seungmin as long as he knew Felix they were still good friends and he appreciated both of them.

"Took you long enough" seungmin said as felix smacked him

"Hey ji" felix said happily

Then a waitress came to their table to take their order

"Hello, what would you like to order?" She asked holding a pen and notebook

"Uhmm a cheesecake for me please." Jisung said

"I'll take a macchiato and a muffin" felix said putting down the menu

"And I'll just take a strawberry bubble tea" Seungmin said after felix

"Okay, your orders will be ready soon" the waitress said as she left the table and went to the counter

"So Jisung...how's your love life going?" Felix asked his friend

"Well nothing interesting..I haven't found someone yet" Jisung said uninterested.

"Ji come on now you need to find someone soon or later" seungmin said as Jisung rolled his eyes

"Come on now guys. Don't tell me you will try to set me up again"

"Awhh but come on I promise you he's nice! He's a friend of mine and he would really like to meet you" felix said as their order came and started sipping his macchiato

"Fine. What's his name?" Jisung said eating his cheesecake

"He's name is Lee minho and he told me he would really like to meet you, he's older than you and I showed him a photo and he said you're cute" felix said again

"Well...how does he look?" Jisung said

"You'll see mate. I'll set you up for tomorrow at 4pm in this cafè?" Felix said

"Sure I guess..."

"Finally! Now we won't have to bother with your single ass!" Seungmin said throwing his hands in the air as jisung scoffed and replied

"Well atleast this single ass WON'T be single anymore and I'll soon MiNgLe" jisung said sassily

"I wouldn't be so sure about that but, you do you" seungmin said sipping his bubble tea

After a while of the friends chatting, they decided to go home as well as Jisung. He immediately went to his room and sat down on his bed. He opened his phone and saw a notification

Is this han Jisung?


Yes, who is this?

I'm Lee minho as felix probably already told you and I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me tomorrow?

Change contact name to:
Minho hyung

Oh! Sure. How about at the sunshine cafe at 4pm?

Minho hyung:
Sure! See you there;)

Jisung stared at the messages in shock. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea. He put his phone away as he went to the living room and turn on the TV

"Breaking news, today a woman in her late 20s was found dead in her bathroom. Apparently she was stabbed 7 times in her abdomen. This time the killer instead of leaving a note, they carved the words "truth or death" in her arm. The police also rep-"

Jisung closed the TV as he got up from the couch and went to the kitchen

"Damn" he mumbled as he took out a packet of ramen and cooked it. After it was done he sat down on the kitchen counter and took his phone and called his brother, bangchan

After a few rings, he finally answered

"Hey ji!" His brother said

"Hey channie hyung..have you heard about the recent murders in our town?" He said as he picked up his own chopsticks

"Yeah I have..apparently 6 people have been murdered so far" bangchan said

"Nope..now it's 7. The news said that just today a woman got killed and apparently the killer carved the words Truth or death in her arm"

"Holy shit! That's terrifying! You're staying inside right?" His brother replied

"Well..tomorrow I am going on a date with someone"

"Do you know them?" Chan said worried

"Not really..felix knows him and gave me his number. But I don't really know him" jisung said as he ate his ramen slowly

"I don't know ji. I think you shouldn't go. It's not safe" chan said

"Yeah but I guess it's not a problem if felix knows him!"

"Fine whatever. Just be careful okay?" Bangchan said

"Okay hyung. Bye!" Jisung replied as he closed the call

"Wouldn't be dangerous..right? Nah.." jisung thought.


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