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3rd person's POV:

It was Sunday now and a few days have passed after jisung met minho. Today he was meeting up with the older at a cafè ignoring his brother's protests.

~earlier that day~

Bangchan came to his brother's house so they could catch up after a long time. They went inside and started talking

"..Jisung, I don't thing you should go. You don't even know him that good." Bangchan said as he sighed

"But hyung, I've met him enough times to fucking know him! He isn't dangerous!" Jisung said angrily as he glared at his brother

"Jisung, it doesn't matter! There's a fucking serial killer in our goddamn town and you're thinking of hooking up with someone you met some days ago?" Bangchan said as he pinched the bridge of his nose

"I. Don't. Care. I can assure you he's not a dangerous person and that I won't get killed. I'll be perfectly fine! Thanks for your concern." Jisung said as bangchan sighed and dropped the conversation about Minho. Bangchan was still very suspicious about the latter. He could still be dangerous no matter what, he thought.


'Won't get killed? Mhm we'll see 'bout that' the unknown person thought as they stared from the window.


After jisung got ready, he went to the cafè when he saw minho

"Hey Ji!" Minho said as jisung sat down

"Heyy what's up?" Jisung asked as they started talking


After the date jisung was walking back home with minho

"Hey I was wondering if you want to come to my house the next time?" Minho said as jisung nodded his head

"Sure. Why not?" He said as they reached jisung's house and parted ways

As jisung went inside, he sat on the couch and opened the TV and started watching a kdrama

Knock knock

'Huh.. who could that be?'

Knock knock

Jisung got up and checked his ring camera but there was no one. As he was about to return to the living room he heard


The person started banging loudly on jisung's door. Jisung got scared and took a few steps back. After a few seconds the banging stopped. But the person started scratching the door with what jisung thought was a knife..

Jisung's eyes never left the door. He slowly backed away and sat on the floor as he was shaking


Jisung quickly got up as he realised the person stopped scratching the door and took a picture of him from the closed window.

Jisung gasped as he quickly got on his feet and covered the window with the curtains

He quickly went and locked every window and checked the door's ring camera but..there was no one

Jisung quickly looked around the living room with his eyes bloodshot as he became paranoid someone broke in his house. He quickly closed the TV and and stopped moving


Maybe jisung imagined all of that? But..no way. He was sure someone was at the door. Or atleast they took a picture of him.

But..why would they?

Who was it?

That night jisung couldnt sleep at all as he kept remembering the banging sounds and the sudden click

He was definitely..

..Or atleast possibly

Going crazy at this point...


A/N naww but anyways I think this is probably a good chapter I liked it. Prob my fav. But who was at the door? 🤔 guess you'll have to find out;)

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