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After jisung spoke with his brother Bangchan, he went to lay in his bed until he could fall asleep since it was 11pm.
After some minutes of scrolling he slowly fell asleep without the knowledge that someone was watching him from outside

??? POV:
I slowly crept on the yard as I tried not to make any noise. After I managed to do that I carefully climbed on the window. Since he hadn't closed the curtains I could watch him from outside. What a perfect next victim! My plan seems to work for now.. This one may take longer though..Such a pity that I have to ruin that pretty face.

Next morning

It was the next morning and Jisung woke up at 9am. He got out of his bed and went to the bathroom to get ready. After he got ready he went to the living room with his phone. He sat on the couch and opened his TV

"Ahh I see, Mr Kim, what about the killer? Have any new murders in our town happened the last few days?"

"Not really. We just have to wait to see what happens so we can catch the serial killer. Meanwhile I advise our citizens to stay in their homes at night. Because the pol-"

Jisung sighed as he closed the TV.

"What a disaster" he mumbled.


After a few hours, it was time for jisung to go on his date. He got ready and went to the cafè about 10 minutes earlier

After a while a man in his what seemed to be 20s came up to his table

"Excuse me? Are you Jisung?" The man asked

"Uh yes I am" Jisung replied as he stared at the beautiful man completely mesmerized. It was like he came out of a fucking Disney movie.

"Well I'm Lee minho and I'm your date" the man said softly smiling as he sat down.

Jisung smiled as they started talking and they soon ordered their drinks.

'Maybe it wasn't a bad idea' jisung thought

After their date, Minho offered to walk him home which jisung first declined but after a few tries he accepted

It was 7pm as they were walking and it was dark outside. Suddenly minho asked him

"would you like to go out next week too?"

"Sure! I'd love that!" Jisung said happily as they continued walking. After a while, they reached his house

"Okay we're here. Thank you very much I enjoyed a lot with you today!" Jisung said as minho chuckled

"Sure, don't worry. See you next time!" He replied as he winked and left which made jisung blush. He went inside his house and took of his shoes as he went to the kitchen.

He made some ramen since he was tired and ate it. Later, he got up and went in his bathroom to change and laid in his bed as he closed his eyes.
He was about to fall asleep when he heard the sound of leaves

He quickly opened his eyes and sat on his bed.

He heard the sound again and went towards the window checking but he saw nothing.

"It's probably an animal" jisung spoke to himself as he laid in his bed again

3rd person POV:

The unknown person quietly chuckled as they watched yet again from the window. 'So stupid' they thought. They quickly took out their phone and took some pictures of jisung laying in his bed as he slept.

'Just wait Han Jisung, I'll slowly find out all your secrets and make your life a living hell' the person thought as they smirked and quietly left successfully.


A/N: hope you enjoyed this chapter! Although it was kinda short. Sorry 'bout that! <3

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