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Truth or death

The next day jisung woke up by the sudden sound of rain. He felt a hand playing with his hair and another one wrapped around his waist. Jisung slowly opened his eyes as he saw minho smiling infront of him

"Goodmorning pretty" minho said as he pecked jisung's nose. Jisung giggled and sleepily mumbled a goodmorning.

Minho then ushered him to get ready as he went to make breakfast.

After jisung went out of the shower and got ready he went downstairs and sat down on the table

"Today the weather's pretty bad huh?" Minho said as he sat down beside jisung

"Yeah indeed" jisung said while he ate his breakfast as minho placed his hand on his thigh.

"So I think it's better if we stay inside him?" Minho said as he ate, caressing jisung's thigh with his other hand.

Jisung looked at him and nodded as they continued eating.

Later in the evening, they were both laying down on the couch cuddling while watching TV as the storm outside became more intense and louder. After a few moments, the power went out and jisung yelped as he got scared.

"Relax babe, the power just went out." Minho said as he stroked jisung's hair.

Jisung calmed as he searched for his phone and turned on the flashlight

Minho yelled as jisung held the light in front of his eyes. Jisung chuckled and apologized.

"Geez, be careful" minho said as jisung giggled

"Right, sorry" jisung then looked around the room and turned back to his boyfriend.

"Well what do we do now?" He wondered

"Well..." minho tilted his head and thought for a few seconds.

"Wanna play a game?" Minho asked with a mischievous look as he stared at jisung.

"Sure..why not?" Jisung was a bit skeptical but accepted anyways.

"Alright, let's play...."

"Truth or death?" Minho said as he smirked at jisung.

Jisung widened his eyes as he realized what minho said and quickly got up from the couch

"W-what do you mean?" He asked as he had the flashlight on minho cautious. Then, his phone suddenly closed as jisung panicked and tried to open it again, but it didn't work. It had no battery.

Jisung heard minho chuckling. Jisung slowly backed off as he couldn't see anything.

"Oh come on babe. It'll be fun" he heard minho saying from somewhere

"Let's see...how about we start?" Minho said and jisung heard footsteps coming closer

"NO I DON'T WANNA PLAY!" jisung yelled scared as he stepped back anxiously

"Come on jisungie, let's play. I ask you a few questions and if you don't answer them you die. Simple enough, isn't it?" Minho said as he started stepping closer in the dark

"o-okay fine!" Jisung said as he looked around him trying to find atleast the silhouette of minho.

"Great. Now, truth or death?" Minho asked with a slight louder voice

"T-truth" jisung trembled as he spoke

"Is it true that you killed your own father?" Minho said mischievously as he waited for the boy to answer.

Jisung's breath hitched as he widened his eyes

"W-what? H-how do yo-"

"Answer the question Jisung." Minho cut off jisung as he spoke sternly.

Jisung teared up as he back away until he hit a wall.

Before he could answer, a sound was heard and then the lights opened and he saw minho infront of him just a few meters away.

Jisung didn't dare to move as he stared at minho in fear

Minho smirked and took a few steps more towards him

"Answer me."

"H-how could yo-" minho cut of jisung again by coming closer and pulling him by the collar

"Play by the fucking rules. Like I said, I ask you some questions and you just answer. Is it that damn hard? Now fucking answer the question" he said as jisung gulped

"Y-yes" jisung said as he stared at the ground

"Yes what jisung?"

"YES I DID KILL HIM!" Jisung yelled infront of minho's face as he realized what he said and widened his eyes.

Minho smirked as he continued

"Ahh very good. Truth or death?" Minho asked again as he left jisung's collar

"T-truth" jisung spoke

"What's your worst fear?" Minho asked

"K-knifes.." jisung stuttered as minho smirked when he heard that.

He then pulled out a knife from his pocket as jisung's eyes widened. Then, minho put the knife under jisung's neck as jisung's breath hitched

"Something like..this?" Minho grinned as he watched the terrified boy's expression.

Jisung trembled as he stared at minho in shock. Minho chuckled

"Relax jisungie. I won't hurt you yet. Just a few more rounds!" He said excitedly as he lowered the knife.

"Truth or death?" Minho asked again.

"T-truth" jisung replied anxiously.

"Is it true that you threatened your own friend?" Minho asked as he smirked

Jisung looked at him shocked and widened his eyes


"Is it true you threatened your own friend to stay away from your then boyfriend?" Minho said again as he grinned

"How do you know all these.." jisung said anxiously

"Well..I have my ways dear. Now will you answer or not?"

Jisung's breath hitched as he frighteningly looked at minho

"Y-you're a fucking psycho"

"No Jisung. You're the true psycho." Minho said darkly as he smirked

"You killed your own father and threatened your friend. You're the psycho here jisung." Minho continued as he glared at him


A/n: did any of you expect this plot twist? 👀

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