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Don't try to run now.


"You heard me jisung. I know all your little secrets" minho said as he put his hand under jisung's chin

"You bastard!" jisung said as he pushed his arm away

Minho rolled his eyes as he grabbed jisung's collar

"Ah, ah. You're gonna follow the rules." Minho said as he glared at jisung's eyes.

"No." Jisung said as he pushed minho away and tried to make a run.

Before he could reach the front door, minho grabbed him by the hair and turned him around.

"Wrong move, honey" minho said as he locked the door and trapped jisung between his arms

"What do you want from me?!" Jisung said as tears spilled from his eyes

"Awh well.. nothing really.."

"I was just bored and decided to play a game." Minho said as he smirked.

"So this was your plan all along?! YOU FUCKING KILLER!" Jisung screamed at him

Minho scoffed as he glared at jisung.

"Don't forget you also killed your father hm?" Minho said as he brought his hand towards jisung's face as he started caressing his cheek.

Jisung's breath hitched as he moved his face to the side resulting to minho angrily yanking his hair.

"You should learn to be polite to your elders." Minho said as he let go of his hair and grabbing his jaw.

"Such a pretty face for nothing.."

Minho said as he stared at jisung's features.

"Too bad I gotta kill you now eh?" Minho said as jisung's eyes widened and immediately tried to push minho away.

Minho tightened his hold onto jisung's jaw as jisung tried to get away.

"N-no! Please!!" Jisung screamed as he tried to push with all his strength

Minho then took a knife out of his pocket and jisung panicked as he saw it

"NO! PLEASE!!" Jisung said as he managed to get out of minho's hold and backed away.

He couldn't get out of the front door since minho was infront of it.

Fuck, wrong move jisung.

"Come here you little bitch." Minho angrily said as jisung started running towards the backdoor.

He managed to open it and went out in a flash.

He looked behind him and didn't see anyone so he slowed down. He looked around and saw that it was now night and no one was out.

He turned around an-

"Found you" minho said as he grabbed jisung's arm and covered his mouth with his other hand to shut him up.

Jisung tried to make a sound but he couldn't since minho had his hand on his mouth.

Jisung bit his hand as minho pulled his hand and hissed. Jisung took his chance to run away.

He started running as he looked behind him and saw minho following after him. He cursed under his breath as he turned around a corner onto an alley.

He quickly found some boxes and trashcans and hid behind them.

His breath hitched as he heard footsteps and covered his mouth not to make any noise.

"You can run but you can't hide." Jisung heard minho's voice as the footsteps approached even more.

Suddenly he stopped hearing footsteps.

"This is your last chance to come out." Jisung heard again but he didn't dare to make any sound as he got even more scared.

Then, jisung couldn't hear anything so h-

"Found you!" Minho said as jisung screamed and tried to get away, but minho got a hold of him

"Aish, don't try to get away from me now" minho said as jisung squirmed and tried to push him as he yelled.

"LEAVE ME ALO-"  jisung was cut off by a knife entering his stomach. He looked down and saw blood running all over.

He then again looked at minho as his breath began quickening and making it harder for him to breath.

He started coughing blood as his eyes widened and backed away from minho.

Then, it became even more harder to breathe.

And suddenly, his legs gave up as he fell to the ground.


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