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A few days had passed after the horrible and terrifying incident that occurred in jisung's place.

But of course he was still scared after what happened. He also became more careful with his surroundings. He always made sure to lock the windows and close the curtains, also locking the door.

Although, he couldn't help but think that someone was watching his every move. It was like they knew what he was doing every moment

Someone was definitely watching him


Jisung woke up excitedly as he got up from the bed and ran to the bathroom quickly to get ready.

You're wondering what for? Well, today minho invited him to his house and jisung of course accepted. How could he say no?

After jisung finished getting ready he went downstairs and ate his breakfast.

"Hey ji!" Minho greeted as they met at the cafè.

"Hey hyung!" Jisung said as they ordered 2 frappuccinos and started walking towards minho's apartment

"Sooo will I be able to play with your cats??!" Jisung asked as he hopped around the pavement excitedly

"Of course ji" minho chuckled as he watched jisung hopping around like a little kid, not caring about his surroundings

"Woah" jisung said as they stood infront of minho's apartment

As soon as they entered, jisung squealed as he saw soonie and went towards the cat

"Awww so cute!" He said cutely as he stroked the cat. As he was stroking the cat, he saw doongie and dori and they immediately went to him, as he squealed.

"Wanna eat some ramen?" Minho asked as jisung nodded and minho went to make some

While jisung was occupied with the cats he didn't notice minho staring at him lovingly

"Pretty" he mumbled under his breath as he made some ramen


"Wah thank you so much for today, I had fun!" Jisung said as they stood infront of the doorway

"Of course ji" minho chuckled as they waved goodbye


It has been a few more weeks since Jisung met Minho and jisung is sure of only one thing; he definitely likes Minho. I mean, how couldn't he? He's the definition of perfect. He's kind, respectful, beautiful and can also cook! Who wouldn't love him?

Everyday he keeps falling more and more for that man

He's ethereal. Like, literally.

You could insult jisung but you wouldn't dare insult minho infront of him.

"Minho?" Jisung asked as he entered his apartment where he saw minho sitting on the couch with doongie on his lap

"Hey ji!" Minho greeted as jisung went and sat beside him

"Are you ready for a movie marathon?" Minho grinned as jisung nodded excitedly, putting on his favourite movie.

They were in the middle of the movie when minho felt something heavy on his right shoulder. He turned his head and saw jisung who fell asleep on his shoulder.

"Aww" he cooed as he stroked jisung's hair lovingly. He quickly closed the TV and tucked jisung comfortably on the couch admiring him.

"He's prettier than the others"


A/N: this chapter was shorter than what I originally thought of. Sorry, not sorry:)
Hope you enjoyed it tho( ಠ‿ಠ )

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