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Good night

Jisung fell to the ground as his breathing started to become even more heavy.

There, stood minho infront of him creepily smiling as he stared at the poor boy. Jisung looked up at minho as he tried to crawl away, but minho grabbed him by his hair as jisung yelped

"I- I fucking hate you" Jisung managed to say between heavy breaths as minho tilted his head and chuckled

"Oh yeah? Too bad that you'll die" he said as he grinned at jisung.

Jisung tried to get up but he was immediately pushed down again by minho.

"Even if you scream nobody will hear you. I'll just stand here watching you die helplessly." Minho darkly said.

His breathing became even more harder for him as he looked up at minho with eyes full of nothing but hatred.

"Go fuck yourself" he weakly said as he lied on the floor helplessly.

Minho creepily smiled as he crouched down and grabbed jisung's jaw

"But before I forget.."

"Just a little touch-up" he said as he
pulled the knife out of jisung's stomach as he screamed in uttering pain.

He took his arm forcefully as he brought the knife closer.


Minho stared at his work in amusement. After a while, he managed to carve the words "Truth or Death" on jisung's arm.

He looked at jisung one last time who lied there in a pool full of blood, with his pale face as his breathing became heavier. Then, his eye lids finally gave up as he finally closed them.

"Good night" minho chuckled as he walked away.


"COME ON, MOVE FAST!" the doctor said as they all ran quickly with an almost lifeless jisung.

His brother, bangchan and jisung's other friends awaited in anticipation and shock as they were trying to process what happened.

"I can't believe what just happened.." felix said as he stared at the ground holding back his tears.

The next morning, after jisung was found laying in an alley with a puddle full of blood, the ambulance was called immediately. The police were quick to finally identify the serial killer, Lee Minho because of the cameras in the area.

His friends & brother were in utter shock, especially felix who orginally introduced him to the latter. He never knew all of this would've happened.

But now, the doctors & nurses were all rushing. They weren't even sure if jisung would survive. In fact, he had been laying there helplessly for more than 5 hours and he had lost a lot of blood.

Jisung's friends and Bangchan were all anxiously waiting.

"Time of death, 11:47AM. Patient Han Jisung. We're so sorry for your loss."

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