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Jisung slowly woke up as he opened his eyes and adjusted to the lightning as he remembered he was now in minho's apartment. As he was about to get out of bed he heard his phone ringing.

"Hello?" He replied sleepily

"Jisung! Where the fuck are you?" Jisung heard his brother's frightened voice as he spoke

"What do you mean?"

"I came over to your house and there's no one there. Where are you?" Bangchan said worried

"Oh, I'm at minho's" jisung simply said

"What? Are you sure he isn't gonna hurt you?" Bangchan said

"Oh come on chan. It's not like he's a serial killer." Jisung spoke annoyed with his brother's words

"Well I just want to make sure you're safe. Nothing happened right?"

Jisung thought if he should tell bangchan about all the pictures but he decided not to as he doesn't want to worry his brother

"Uhm well n-nothing has happened. I'm f-fine" jisung nervously stuttered as he lied

"Hmmm okay..Anyway, I gotta go. Bye ji!" Bangchan said and hung up before jisung could reply.

Jisung sighed as he got out of bed and got ready.

After he got ready he went downstairs and saw minho cooking breakfast. He want towards him and hugged him from behind. Minho didn't flinch and instead said

"Goodmorning. I'm making breakfast" as jisung unwrapped his arms and let minho put the breakfast on the table

"Hmm morning" jisung mumbled as he sat down.

Minho ruffled his hair as he sat beside him and they started eating.


They were now sitting on the couch watching a movie. Jisung didn't pay any attention to the movie as he craved for minho's attention. He slowly moved closer to minho as he wrapped his hand around him pulling him closer.

Minho then chuckled and pulled jisung onto his lap facing him as jisung gasped and saw minho smirking.

"W-wha?" Jisung stuttered

"Shhh" minho shushed him as he pulled their faces closer. He looked at jisung's eyes and then his gaze flickered over to jisung's lips. He then looked at his eyes again as if questioning him and jisung nodded.

Then minho pulled him by the collar and smashed their lips together. Jisung moaned as minho bit his lower lip and entered his tongue exploring his mouth.

Then they parted their lips and stared at each other.

Minho reached for jisung's hair as he stroked them and started speaking

"Jisung, you have no idea how happy you make me. You're the prettiest person I've ever met. You're so adorable honestly and I love your personality. In short, I like you. Do you wanna be my boyfriend?"

Minho stared at jisung's eyes with hope as he waited for jisung's answer

Jisung widened his eyes as he froze and answered a "yes!" And hid his face in the crook of minho's neck.

Minho chuckled as he kissed jisung's cheek, the movie long forgotten as they continued their evening sharing kisses and cuddles, as jisung forgot all his worries.


A/N: also I forgot to tell you guys that not all skz members will be included in this story incase you're wondering!

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