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It was the next day, and Jisung had managed to calm down with the help of minho. They were now currently sitting in the table eating some ramen that minho ate

"Hey, since it's pretty late, do you want to play something?" Minho asked

"Hmm yeah sure" jisung replied slurping his noodles

They were seated on the couch as they played uno. Minho slowly became frustrated as he couldn't win

"HA! UNO!" Jisung screamed as he placed the final card

"God fucking dammit" minho mumbled as he scattered his cards

Jisung chuckled as he picked them up and placed them on the table. He came closer towards minho and put his head on his chest.

"I'm still scared min. What will happen to me?" Jisung said as minho caressed his hair

"I don't know baby, we'll figure this out together" minho said as jisung blushed by the nickname

"Ooh? You like that name, baby" minho said teasingly as jisung playfully hit his chest and scoffed

"Yeah righttt"

"Mmm whatever, let's go to sleep now" minho said as they went to the bedroom and layed on the bed.

Minho cuddled jisung and started rubbing his back as jisung slowly fell asleep. When he realised that, he immediately backed off and took his hands off of him as he made a disgusted face

'Just a little more..'


A/N: this was just a filler chapter cuz my mind is out of fucking ideas?? But dont worry, I'll update next chapter soon lmao. Hope you liked it.

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