questions unanswered

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Is this what you wanted?
My body planted to the bed
Heavy, Lifeless, Cold, Dead
An unforgettable scene
With deaths hands all over me
Clawing up my arms and wrists
Leaning down for a final kiss.

Is this what you begged for?
When the tides took my corpse
Into the ocean I made my course
So far deep I'd never be found
You couldn't risk burying me in the ground
In fear I'd turn the soil rotten
So instead I'll sink until I'm forgotten.

Is this all I'm worth?
My parted lips beg for another chance
A breath of sorry's for life's dance
A polite 'please' falling flat.

I'm at least worth more than that.

My Book of Poems #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now