Part 2-Chapter 1

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{a couple months later}

It's been about a couple months since the young Zoldyck Prince ran away from his home to his loved one. A certain boy named Gon Freecss, also loves the young prince back and declared their love for one another.


Currently the two boys are sleeping in Gon's bedroom, all cuddled up, and princess Alluka is sleeping with Aunt Mito. 

Killua slowly opened his eyes, the room was dark but he can see a bit of sunlight through the curtains. He yawned and did some stretching, he looked over at Gon's alarm clock '8:09 am' it read, pretty late for him.

He looked down on to his chest and saw Gon all cuddled up to him , lightly snoring and moving every now and then. Killua smiled at the wonderful sight in front of him and gave Gon a kiss on the lips, which made him awoke.

Gon yawned and rubbed his eyes, he sat up and looked at Killua who was staring at him, lovingly. He smiled back.

"Morning, baby~" Gon coos as he gave Killua a kiss back, Killua giggled at his actions "morning baby" he replies and strokes his spiky hair.

"Why are you awake so early?" Gon said in his rusty morning voice. "Can't sleep" Killua shrugged. Gon lay back down but dragged Killua down with him, "let's just cuddle" he said, getting himself comfy, by nuzzling his face into Killua's chest and wrapped his legs around his, Killua blushes slightly but did the same thing, and ended up drifting back to sleep.

"Boys! Wake up!" Aunt Mito cried from the kitchen. The boys sat up at the same time, and did some stretching, before they smiled at each other lovingly and gave each other their morning kiss.

They walked down the stairs, hand in hand. As they entered the kitchen, they were greeted by the lovely smell of pancakes.

"Me and Alluka made these pancakes this morning" Aunt Mito said as she placed down the plates for the two boys and Alluka, and one for herself.

"Ooh yum! Thanks Aunt Mito!" Gon chirped as he started to dig in, "yeah thanks Mito-San" Killua chimed in and started eating as well. "What about me Big Brother?" Alluka huffed with both hands on her hips, Killua let out a tiny gasp, he hugged his sister tight and patted her on the head "sorry sis, thank you as well" he said and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

After they ate breakfast, the two headed back upstairs and got ready for the day.
"Hey Killua-" Gon paused himself when Killua turned around and gave him a frown "-babe, I'm going to the market, wanna come with?" Gon said, also correcting himself with Killua's new nickname, Killua happily nodded and kissed Gon on the lips, "sure, how else am I gonna protect you?" He teased by bopping Gon on the nose "I don't need protection I'm fine babe" Gon says , Killua frowned "you'll need it some day" he said, "besides I need to get a new phone, remember my brother smashed my last one" Killua added "oh yeah that's right!" Gon said as he put on his jacket and took Killua outside.

The two went to many shops, mostly to stock up on their monthly food shopping. Finally once they reached to a tech store, Gon told Killua he can look around.

As Killua was looking around for the type of phone he wants, he noticed that he was getting stares and whispers about him. Yes he's still the third prince of Zoldyck and his marriage with Princess Retz was supposed to be a couple months ago, he guessed the word got out, now everyone is treating him like an outcast but yet still being respectful since he still has the royal title.

As Killua was waiting for his new phone to be delivered to him, he heard a familiar voice, a voice he wished he wouldn't have to meet again. 

"Prince Killua?" Retz said with a shaky yet happy tone, looking at Killua with a light of hope in her eyes . Killua quickly turned around and had his eyes now locked With Retz's.

"Ohh...hey Princess Retz" he said shyly, looking down to the floor. Retz pulled a concerned face "please just call me Retz" she said, Killua looked up at her once more and gave her a tiny smile.

"What are you doing here?" Retz asked, Killua bit his lip. "I'm sure you've heard by now" he said.

"Well yes I've heard, we all have, but Killua I've been so worried about you"

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine" Killua said with a bit of anger in his voice.

"Where have you been? Why did you runaway?" Retz was asking way too many questions, Killua lost his patience.

"I told you don't worry about me! Look I'm sorry about our wedding ok?! But I just can't marry you, I'm in love with someone else and already in a relationship. You wanna know why I ran away? It's because my whole entire family are bunch of-"

"Sir, here's your new phone" the shop assistant came back with Killua's new phone model in hand, looking a bit stunned from the conversation he just heard. Killua looked away in embarrassment "t-thank you" he stuttered and payed for the phone.

The assistant walked away and left Retz and Killua alone.

"Retz-I'm so-"

"No, don't be, I might not entirely get it, but I hope you're happy. Have a nice day Killua" Retz bowed and walked away. Killua let out a heavy sigh, way to be a gentleman he thought to himself.

Just in that moment, Gon came up to him. "So, have you got your new phone?" Gon chirped, Killua turned around and slowly nodded and shows Gon the new phone, he looked at it in awe. "Oh wow that's so cool" he beamed, but he noticed that Killua looked sad and was quiet "hey can we um...go home now?" Killua mumbled, "oh sure" Gon says, still a bit confused but followed suit.

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