Part 2- Chapter 5

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The boys got off the bus and was at the entrance of the Zoldyck palace.

Gon gulped nervously and took Killua's hand. "What if they do notice if I'm a boy?" Gon says, Killua looked at him then gave him a kiss "if they do, we won't let that get to us, right?" Killua said and Gon nodded.

When they got in, the two boys were greeted by butlers. "Welcome home Master Killua, I've see you bought a date" Gotoh bowed in front of them, "yes I did" Killua said, shoving Gon in front of him. "I'm a Princess Grace of Whale Island" Gon curtseyed and Killua let out a little laugh behind him. Gotoh eyed Gon/Grace but let it slide "I never knew there was a Princess of Whale Island" he said "uhh yes well, I run it by myself, you see my parents died in an accident so it's just me and my butlers" Gon lied, Gotoh nodded and let them through.

"How did I do?" Gon whispers to Killua "cringy" Was all Killua said and Gon huffed.

When the boys reached the ballroom, there were thousands of people chatting and drinking away to one another. Gon took Killua's hand and squeezed it tightly "don't be afraid" Killua whispered to Gon and Gon nodded.

As they greeted a lot of people, Queen Kikyo came up to them. "Killua?" She said, Killua turned around and was face to face with his mother. "Hello mother" Killua said, Queen Kikyo walked up to him and adjusted his collar "don't you look devilishly handsome" she said and gave him a kiss on the forehead "wait...what?" Killua shook his head "you're not...mad?" He said "what are you talking about sweetie?" Kikyo said with fluttering eyes, and that's when it hit Killua.

Two very important clients were standing behind the Queen. "Ohh thank you mother" Killua said Almost instantly, Killua pulled Gon/Grace forward by the arm "Mother I would like you to meet Princess Grace of Whale Island" Killua introduced. Gon curtsy's "it's a pleasure to meet you, your highness" Gon said in a higher pitched voice but not so high pitched that it wasn't obvious he was faking. "Pleasure is all mine Princess Grace, I'm glad my Killua has found someone more....doable for our royal family, tell me, who are your parents?" Queen Kikyo said.

Gon froze on the spot, he started shaking.
"M-my father King Ging has sadly passed away, and my-my mother I unfortunately never knew her, she died right after I was born, so it's just-" Gon trembled over his words, Killua looked at him with worry "I'm sorry to hear that darling, it must be difficult running a kingdom all by yourself" Kikyo said "ohh well I'm not entirely by myself your majesty. I have my father's cousin, my aunt helping me out and....when I met Killua....i couldn't have been with anyone better" Gon looked at Killua with pure love in his eyes, Killua slightly blushes, Queen Kikyo looked at them with joy "wonderful news! Let the dance begin!" She announced and everyone started clapping.

The lights started to dim. The whole room went dark and then a flash of red light came on from the ceiling.

Everyone was formed in one big circle with their dance partners. Queen Kikyo and King Silva and Illumi, Kalluto and Milluki were watching from above their grand staircase.

"Is Killua here?" Silva said, turning to his wife, she grinned "of course sweetheart" she pointed to Killua and the young lady with black raven bouncy hair in a black dress. "Killua with a girl?" Silva scoffed at himself, whispering under his breath, he was not buying it.

Killua and Gon were in the centre of the circle, with thousands of guests surrounding them, prepared for the dance.

"Killua I'm scared" Gon whispered "don't worry just follow my lead" Killua smirked at him which made him blush.

The music started playing and everyone immediately started twirling and dancing to the rhythm. Killua was the one in the lead since Gon doesn't know how to dance.

"Since when did you become an expert in ballroom dancing?" Gon whispered-yelled at Killua, Killua chuckles "I'm a Prince remember? It was part of my training" he said, as he spun Gon around "ohh right" Gon muttered.

After a couple of minutes of dancing. The big group surrounding the two stopped and all walked away, letting the future 'king and queen' have their own dance.

Gon was internally freaking out. Killua grabbed Gon's waist and pulled him closer to him "shhh" was all he said and Gon froze and started blushing.

Killua spun Gon around a couple times during their dance, dancing back and forth by the rhythm.

All this time, Gon was looking into Killua's eyes, keeping study of the beat. Killua smiled at him "you're staring" he whispered "it's not like I have a million eyes on me" Gon whispered-yelled back.

"STOP!!!" A loud voice cut through the crowd. Killua looked up and it was his father.

Both boys stood frozen, Gon was trying not to panic, but Killua stayed more calm, still looking at Gon.

"I've never heard a Princess of Whale Island, they don't have a line of royalty!" Silva shouted, "sweetheart stop! What is the meaning of this?" Kikyo gasped by shaking Silva's arm.

Silva walked down the stairs and met up with the pair. He looked deep into Gon's eyes , Gon was shaking with fear. "Father stop your scaring her" Killua said. Silva looked at Killua with a ticked off face "her? Her?! Don't play me like a fool child! I know that this is no girl or in fact royal! He's a peasant boy!" Silva growled.

Everyone in the room gasped. Killua growled and pushed his dad back "HOW DARE YOU!" He snapped "Killua-" Gon shook his arm "NO YOU LISTEN! I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID ROYALTY STATUS ALRIGHT? I love Gon! And he means everything to me" Killua looked back at Gon with tears in his eyes. He took off Gon's gloves that he was wearing and chucked them to the floor and pulled out his hair extensions. Everyone gasped. "I love you just the way you are, im sorry for making you something your not" Killua said and pulled Gon into a lovingly long kiss, and everyone can see, with his dad boiling with anger.

A/N: I love this chapter! My boy Killua is standing up for himself! 👌

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