Roommates (2)

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Chapter one

The sky was tranquil. A blaze of colours: fiery orange, searing reds and hot pink from the sun which was starting to fade; the outer edges of the sky were beginning to cool down, turning into a shade of indigo.

It was peaceful, sad, yet somewhat cheerful.

My toes curled in, enjoying the feel of the sand and the Breeze of the wind.

I felt his presence moving towards me. Turning my head, I faced the most gorgeous guy in this planet..Leonardo DiCaprio. (I dont have any other ideas sorry haha)

No matter how many times I saw his face, I was always overwhelmed by his perfection. His eyes were a dazzling, sea foam colour, tine between blue and green, with a hint of brown. He looked younger, like how he did when he was in "Titanic" and "Romeo and Juliet".

I felt my mouth watering.

He smiled at me, and walked so that he was facing me. I held my breath and closed my eyes,

This is it. I thought. It was finally going to happen.

Placinta his hands on each side of my face, he slowly bent closer to me, his breath caressing my lips..

Before anything could happen, a large amount of water splashed on top of me causing me to wake up.

"Wake-y wake-y, rise and shine"

Startled, I rubbed my eyes and glared at the intruder.


That dumpling!

Sitting up, I tried drying myself with my bed sheet which didn't make much of a difference since it was already soaked.

Hearing a chuckle from beside me, I threw the covers off of me and scowled.

"Was it really necessary to do that?"

My hair felt sticky and was covering half of my face.

He looked over and shrugged his shoulders, trying his best to look confused.

"Do what?" He asks, innocently.

This only caused my anger to rise. This little dumpling was trying to act all innocent; playing the 'she's crazy' and 'i'm innocent' card making me looked like a lunatic.

Relax Y/n, Relax. You almost kissed the hottest guy in the planet. You should be happy. Don't let that dumpling ruin my mood.

I stood up and pulled down my sticky tank top, smirked and walked towards Tom; who was perfectly  dressed and dry, may I add.
Stretching my arms and walking towards him, I stood mere inches away from him and batted my eyelashes in which I hoped looked flirty.


Stretching my arms I tried to wrap them around him, but as he reaslied what I was doing, he stumbled back quickly made his way out of the door, slamming it shut in the process.

"Tom," I exclaimed crossly, trying to open the door. It was no use since he ess holding onto it with all his strenght.

"Theres no way I'm opening the door Y/n," he laughed, "over my dead body!"

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed a towel and headed towards the bathroom to get ready for school.

Once i was dried and ready, I made my way downstairs when the smell of egg and bacon filled my nose causing my stomach to grumble loudly.

"Looks like someone has digestion problems," commented Tom who was scooping eggs and bacon into two separate plates.

Rolling my eyes, I stuck my tongue out and smiled at him before grabbing one of the plates and sitting down at the counter. Grabbing a fork and knife, I took a forkful of eggs and shoved some into my mouth.

Roommates ~ Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now