Roommates (26)

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Chapter Twenty Five

Y/n's pov

"We have to do that again!" I laughed, grabbing Tom's hand, making my way to the carousel for the third time.

We were at Luna's park, on a date. We've been on multiple rides but for some reason I just loved the carousel, call me a kid, but I've always wanted to go on one since I was little, and since my parents never paid attention to me, I wanted to continue going onto the carousel.

"Y/n, are you serious right now?" chuckled Tom, rolling his eyes.

I did my best puppy face, "please," I begged, bashing my eyelashes.

He rolled his eyes, "come on then," he laughed and quickly pecked my cheek.

"Love you," I giggled, pulling him to the carousel once again.

"You better," he cheeked.

"And what if I don't?" I smirked, waiting in the queue.

He grabbed my waist and pulled my body towards him, I yelp escaped my lips.

"Then I have no other choice then to punish you," he whispered seductively in my ear. I felt my heart pace increase and my cheeks burn.

"And what would that be?" I squeaked.

He turned me around, my face a few inches away from his. I looked up into his brown eyes. He leant forward and I closed my eyes.

"I'd have to drag you out of here and find the closest room nearby so we can have some privacy." He whispered seductively, sending goose bumps down my spine.

I bit my lip, "that wouldn't be very nice now would it?" I replied huskily.

I cleared my throat and gave out a little yelp when Tom lifted me up and tossed me over his shoulders.

"Tom," I shrieked, "Put me down! Now," I giggled, slapping him across his back and kicking my legs in the process.

A few people surrounding us were giving a mixture of amused looks and glares. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

Ignoring the people around us, Tom made his way out of the queue and took me out of the amusement park as if I was a little child who just got told off.

Once he let me down I kicked him in the shin.

"What was that for?" he exclaimed, rubbing his leg in confusion.

I pouted, "For losing our space in the queue and for dragging me out."

I crossed my arms and tried to avoid his gaze, ignoring him.

"Sorry babe," he chuckled.

Once he realised I was ignoring him, he crouched down so he was at the same eye level and titled my head up.

"Y/n, babe, I'm sorry," he apologised sincerely.

It was getting harder to ignore him, so I looked down at the pavement and stared at my pedicured feet which were strapped in my black sandals.

Tom sighed and he pulled me into his arms and started caressing my neck. I bit my lips, stopping the moan that was making its way out of my throat.

"Sorry," he muttered with each kiss he sent, from my cheek, to my nose and finally to my lips.

I couldn't ignore him anymore, so I grabbed him by the collar and shoved him towards me, pressing my body against his and turning the kiss deeper.

Roommates ~ Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now