Chapter Three
While eating and while one looked, the other looked away. I finished my fourth slice of pizza and drank the rest of my soda which caused a really loud burp; you'd think it was a volcano or something. Embarrased I covered my mouth and blushed; a crimson red which in response Tom laughed.
"Hey, not Funny l," I commented flicking a rather large crumbbat Tom's direction. This just caused him laugh louder. One of the things I loved about Tom is that whenever we had an awkward moment it would only take a few minutes until we were fine again.
He stopped laughingand shook his head, "You know what?" He asked.
I shook my head.
"You're seriously one of the most disgusting girls I have ever met," he said; chuckling quietly.
"Guess you haven't met that many girls," i stated, he never bought any girls' home apart from the frequent parties that he hosted every month or so, which was weird since he was like the hottest and most popular guy in our school, alongside with Jay. The only girl that came over was Cass, sometimes for a sleepover or random gossip.
"Guess there aren't too many girls out there for me," he answered staring at me. I felt my cheeks burn.
"Anyways," i started, "What do you say that I kick your butt on halo?" I stood up and placed my plate in the dish washer along with Tom's.
He headed to the couch and set on his Ps5, I cleared the rest of the table and once I was done I took the seat besides him and grabbed onto the control player.
"I totally kicked your halo butt," I jumped up and down the couch excitedly, "You owe me twenty bucks Tom," I stretched my palm and placed it right in front of his face.
Sighing he reached for the back pocket of his jeans, pulled out his wallet and gave me twenty bucks. I grinned like an idiot.
"Has anyone ever told you that you have a beautiful smile?"
I felt cheeks burn from the compliment and shook my head. "No," i looked down and stared at my nails.
"Well you do," he whispered whilst shifting on the couch uncomfortably.
I looked back at him; he was blushing; crimson red.
"Hey listen, since there is only one week until shook finishes, I was wondering if you would like to go to Australia with me and Jay; you can bring Cass along if you want, I mean you don't have to if-"
I cut him off by squealing with excitement. Was this really going to be the first time living this city? Even better the country? Never in my whole entire life have I ever left this dull old city. My parents never allowed me to, not even when it was part of a school trip. I would have always been the misfit; the one who never took part in trips. Guess I would have to spend the money that I saved for my car to go to Australia instead. I've heard that it has the best beaches in the world.
"I'll take it as a Yes," stated Tom looking amused at my reaction.
I was so excided that I ran towards Tom and grabbed his hands and jumped excitedly. He chuckled at my actions.
"Finally I can get out of this city," I said enthusiastically.
"What do you mean? You want to live there?" He asked, a sudden expression of sadness appeared in his face.
"No silly, this is going to be my first time that I will leave the city," i explained with a huge grin on my face.
Tom gawked at me in disbelief, "What? You stayed here for eighteen years, Without leaving this place?"
I shook my head, "Seventeen years and nine months and twenty three days actually," I corrected.
Tom rolled his eyes, "Whatever geek, I can't believe you haven't left, didn't you have Money or something like that?" He asked.
It was nothing like that, I thought. It was the fact my parents had too much money; which they spent on drugs and wouldn't ever let me touch a penny. That's why I got a job, but I couldn't tell Tom that. I couldn't tell anyone. I didn't want them to pity me or thing that I had a hard life or whatever, If i did, they'll probably come up with some awful rumours.
Tom waved his hand slowly in front of my face, causing me to blink.
"Earth to Y/n," he said.
"Huh?" I asked, dumfounded. "Oh, yeah, my family didn't have money," I lied. He didn't sound convinced but looking at my expression he decided not to mention it.
"You never told me why you moved in with me, usually girls wouldn't agree to be a guy's roommate, especially a hot one like me," he winked.
I laughed quietly, "What can I say, I had a huge crush on you," I flirted back, which sent little butterflies to flutter in my stomach.
He blushed sightly then his expression turned serious, "No, i'm serious, why did you move in?"
I shifted from foot to foot, "Well, the rent was cheap and my parents got a job elsewhere, so they um..decided for me to find a place of my own, since I was grown up and I didn't want to leave school," I answered, not looking at his eyes since I was a pretty bad liar and looking at him would have given it away.
"Oh, that's it?" Asked Tom disappointed, "It wasn't because you found me attractive." He looked pretty upset which made me erupt into laughter.
"You're acting so like Jay right now," i commented, sometimes Tom flirted with me, but that was usually in parties when he was around his friends.
"I thought you liked it," he said confused.
"Yes but with Jay. You acting like him completely freaks me out," and turns me on, I added in my mind.
"What? So you like Jay?" He looked pretty darn curious.
"Why, you jealous?" Tom just kept staring at me awaiting my answer. "Eww no, he's just a friend. That would be awkward." I shuddered at the thought, way awkward.
Tom look relieved for a split second, I looked back at him again to make sure, it was gone.
"So when are we going to Australia?" I asked changing the subject.
"Well," he laughed, "Once we finish school, in other words, Sunday, then we'll have time to pack on Saturday."
I punched my fist in the air! "Hell yes! Wait how do we get the tickets so fast?" I asked, I was pretty sure you can't book tickets that quick, can you?
"Oh, don't worry about that, we're going on Jay's private jet," stated Tom as if it was obvious.
"Private jet," I gasped. My first flight was going to be on a private jet? I got just die of happiness right here, right now.
Next week was going to be a blast, But this week I'll have to bear with school.

Roommates ~ Tom Kaulitz
FanfictionY/n l/n is a typical seventeen year old teenager, she goes to school, dates, parties and all other typical teenage things. But there is one thing which is not so typical, she got kicked out of her own house, by her own parents! Not because she is a...