Chapter Twenty Seven
Y/n's pov
I shivered under the fresh air and instantly regretted the clothes I was wearing, the temperature, in comparison to Australia, was fresher.
After the disturbing phone call in the taxi I couldn't think straight.
"You cold?" ask Tom, who finished paying the taxi fare.
I nodded in response. Tom shrugged his jacket of and placed it on my shoulders welcoming the soft material and his scent.
He grabbed my hand, whilst the other took care of his suitcase, and mine on my other hand.
Once we arrived to our apartment I threw myself in the couch and left out a sigh.
Tom chuckled, his face clearly amused.
"What?" I mumbled.
"Nothing," he smirked, before walking to his bedroom.
Sitting up I grabbed my phone and checked the time.
Just less than six hours until my meeting in Hyde Park with an unknown stranger.
I felt panic, worry, dread, bubbling inside me.
What if something happened?
To Ross?
To me?
I shuddered at the thought.
I bit my lip and sat straight, staring blankly at the wall, trying to process my plan.
Should I call for backup?
Tell someone?
"Meet me at ten at Hyde Park, alone."
He clearly emphasised the word alone with meaning. I couldn't call for backup, or tell anyone. There will be more chance of risks occurring.
"Y/n," said a voice.
"Um...yeah?" I stuttered, blinking rapidly to stop the tears from falling, I bit my lip which was starting to quiver slightly.
"Are you okay Y/n? You look worried," said Tom.
I just stared at him.
What if I never saw him again?
What if this was my last six hours with me and I was never to see him again.
I gazed at him, at his dark, brown eyes, his perfect nose, beautiful lips, his amazing body.
The tears started falling from my face. Quickly, I rubbed them off with the back of my palm.
Tom kneeled down in front of me and placed his hands on my cheek.
"Y/n, babe, what is it? Is something wrong?" he asked, his expression filled with concern.
I hugged him tightly and kissed him with hunger, desire, lust and love.
"Y/n," he gasped.

Roommates ~ Tom Kaulitz
Hayran KurguY/n l/n is a typical seventeen year old teenager, she goes to school, dates, parties and all other typical teenage things. But there is one thing which is not so typical, she got kicked out of her own house, by her own parents! Not because she is a...