Chapter Twenty Eight (part two)Cassandra's pov
We approached Jay's house.
For some insane reason, I was feeling slightly nervous and eager from the thought of seeing him, which was unusual since the last time I saw he was just a couple of hours ago when we arrived from Australia.
I looked around his mansion house, and I have to admit, I was impressed.
The grass was green; you could mistake it for a garden full of limes. Hell, it even smelt like limes.
"Jay, we're outside," muttered Tom, who was talking to Jay via his phone, interrupting me from my thoughts.
My heart pace increased and I felt a blush make its way up my face.
Darn it!
What's wrong with me?
Jay approached towards the bug gates which blocked our entrance from going in and filled with a few buttons until the gate slowly creaked open.
"So what's the big deal for calling me this late? Questioned Jay, giving me a shy smile, which just made him so adorably cute!
Jay and cute in the same sentence?
Yup, something is definitely wrong with me....
"Y/n has disappeared and we're kind of afraid she went somewhere....problematic," Tom quietly replied. I noticed his hands were balled up into fists.
"Do you know where she is?" asked Jay, looking slightly concerned.
This time, I replied.
"That's where you come in. Tom said you're good with computers," I stated, although it sounded more like a question.
"Something like that," grinned Jay, embarrassed, "so, how can I help?"
I looked over to Tom and nodded.
"Well, we were hoping you could help track Y/n's phone to have an key indication of her whereabouts," informed Tom.
"So you want me to track down Y/n by tracking down here phone?"
"Yeah, can you do that?" I asked, smiling at him hopefully.
"Only if you do me a favour later on," he winked.
"Jay, this isn't a time to be playing around, someone's life may be in danger here," argued Tom, looking slightly impatient and pissed.
Jay ignored him.
"Cassandra?" he smirked.
I rolled my eyes, "Fine. Now hurry. We don't have much time left," I mumbled, looking down at my watch which read twenty past ten.
"Right, this way ladies and gentleman," gestured Jay with a bow.
How Jay managed to still be calm whilst Y/n was missing and possibly in danger; I have no idea.
"Right, so this red dot here is where Y/n phone is," informed Jay, pointing to this flashing small red dot, "this shows that she's approximately twenty minutes away from Hyde Park, stated Jay, giving his own self-satisfied, confident smile.
Nodding, I quickly followed Tom, after writing down the address. However, Jay grabbed my wrist before I could make my way down.
"What?" I hissed.
"The favour?" he smirked.
I looked back to Tom who was almost at the bottom of the stairs.
Since we took his car to Jay's and I left mine at his, I had to hurry as Tom was almost leaving and I wanted to help. I was pretty sure he wouldn't wait for anyone at the state he's in right now.
Hesitating, I quickly grabbed Jay's shoulders and pecked him on the lips, before grabbing his arm and dragging him behind me.
I looked back at his face and felt a smile creep upon my face when I realised his eyes were literally bulging out of his face and his cheeks were a slight shade of pink.
Guess he does actually like me.
Hopping into the passenger seat, I quickly buckled up my belt and re- adjusted my seat before Tom slammed on the accelerator and the car shot forward, causing me to bolt back in my seat.
Thirty minutes later, Jay, Tom and I arrived at this old house in the middle of nowhere, literally.
"You sure we're in the right place?" asked Jay, wrapping his arms around himself and look around him with a constipated look.
I stopped the urge from mocking him and nodded.
Slowly, I opened the door and closed it behind, trying not to make a noise.
I jumped at the sound of the door closing and glared at the culprit.
"Jay!"I hissed, "Quiet, they can hear us!"
"Who will hear us?"
Just then two large men approached us.
This wasn't good.

Roommates ~ Tom Kaulitz
FanfictionY/n l/n is a typical seventeen year old teenager, she goes to school, dates, parties and all other typical teenage things. But there is one thing which is not so typical, she got kicked out of her own house, by her own parents! Not because she is a...