Roommates (31)

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Chapter Twenty Nine

Cassandra's pov

I threw a panicked glance at Tom who stood paralysed, staring at the two men who looked dangerous whilst wearing a sharp, black suit.

"Who the fuck are you guys?"

I hesitated before answering, quickly settling in for a plan.

"Heyyyy," I slurred, stepping forward doing a little stumble. "Is this Natasha's party?" I asked, smiling slightly, and tilting my head to the side.

"They're just a bunch of drunken teenagers," muttered one of the guys, the bald on the phone, before he slammed it shut.

I realised the bald one looked older, buffer, more dangerous than the second man, who stood slightly taller than the bald, hitting approximately six foot five, with black, sleek hair, tied in a short ponytail along with a tattoo of a snake, curving the left hand side of his face, reaching up to his eyebrows.

"You're in the wrong place," muttered snake guy, "I suggest you turn around, go back in the car and head home." Snake guy approached me and gently grabbed my arm, pushing me towards the car.

"Let go of my girl, dickhead," yelled Jay.

I honestly didn't know if he was acting or if he was dead serious.

Snake guy immediately dropped his grip on me and was about to apologise when Jay punched him, hard and square in the face.

"Fucking hell," he grunted. Wincing from the pain and roughly rubbing his jaw.

This time baldy stepped forward, "leave now before this gets nasty," he warned, his tone threatening.

"And if we don't?" snarled Tom.

""If you don't," started baldy, taking a step forward, with a dangerous, aggressive look.

I grabbed Jay's hand.

"Then you and your friends will suffer the consequences. So, I suggest you leave."

Just then a high pitched scream broke.

I knew that sound.

I recognised the voice.


"Y/n," whispered Tom.

As if the scream was all Tom needed to capture all his energy, he charged towards baldy and pounced on him before bringing his fist to his face and kneeing him where the sun don't shine.

Snake man, aware of what was occurring, ran to save his friend.

I felt Jay's grip loosen around my hand.

"Cassandra, go inside and check on Y/n!" he quickly pecked me, "be careful," he whispered before he ran and jumped on top of snake man, making them both fall in the process.

I winced at the sight and quickly left them, approaching the warehouse.

Running inside, I noticed that first off, it was completely dark, with hardly any lightning and a big black SUV parked in the middle.

Scanning around the room, I noticed two doors.

Just as I was about to make a decision on which door to choose, another high piercing scream approached, indicating which door I should take.

I'm coming Y/n, please hold on. I mentally muttered, rushing through the door.

I stopped suddenly staring at the sight in front of me.



That bastard was going to shoot Y/n.

I heard the gun click, and before I was aware of my actions I ran in front of Y/n.

My stomach exploded.

It hurt so much.

"Cassandra!" someone sobbed, but I couldn't focus on the voice.

I looked down and felt tears running making its way down my face, of pure terror and pain.

I was bleeding a lot.

"Dad?" asked someone else, "what the fuck have you done?"

Before I could comprehend what was happening, everything faded black.


Y/n's pov

"Cassandra," I sobbed.

I couldn't focus, couldn't breathe, and couldn't think.


Why did Cassandra risk her life to save mine? I didn't deserve this.

Cassandra didn't deserve this.

Just then the door slammed open and Jay and Tom emerged, Jay looking dirty and bloody whilst Tom had a pretty bad looking scar on his nose.

"Dad?" asked Tom; staring at Cassandra, then back at the man who tried to kill me, with pure hatred and horror written all over his face. "What the fuck have you done?"

"Son? What are you doing here?" asked the man confused, "this is not what it looks like. I've found out your mothers murderers, well I will if that bitch speaks up," he spat, glaring at me.

I winced, looked down and started sobbing again once I caught sight of Cassandra.

"Someone call the ambulance, please, we can't just let her die," I cried.

I looked at Jay who was just staring, staring down at Cassandra, parlayed like a statue.

"Don't talk to my girlfriend like that," spat Tom, grabbing for his phone.

"Girlfriend? Her parents killed your mother."

"That's not true, it was a set-up, why do you think they got released? Because there wasn't enough evidence! I know who the real asshole, and before you know it, he'll own up. So I suggest you fucking leave and get out of my sight before I turn you in," snarled Tom.

"I'd like to call an ambulance, someone's just been shot."

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Roommates ~ Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now