Roommates (32)

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Chapter Thirty

Jay's pov

I stared down at her, unconscious. Her face was pale, no longer the tanned, red cheeked girl she was. Her hair was sprawled around her face.

This was my entire fault.

If I didn't tell her to go and find Y/n by herself this wouldn't have happened.

But then Y/n would have been here instead, or possibly dead.

I sighed, exasperated.

Just then the door opened, and a quickly stood up from my seat when I realised who it was; Cassandra's parents and her younger brother.

"Cass," sobbed the thirteen year boy, "wake up," he cried. He ran towards her and was about to shake her shoulders when someone one else entered.


That fucking bastard!

This was his fucking, god damn fault.

I stood up, and shoved him out of the room, pushing him up against the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I hissed, slamming his shoulder.

He winced, "I came to see my girlfriend, Cassandra."

I chuckled, darkly, "to see the damage you caused?"

"What you talking about?" asked Calvin, clearly confused.

Okay, was he stupid or just loved playing the dumb, stupid, innocent guy?

"You know damn well what I'm talking about. Because of you're stupid accident, Y/n got kidnapped, and Cassandra, being as damn gullible as she is, leaped in front of a bullet to save her."

His eyes widened, his mouth dropped.

"Because of me?" he choked. "How?"

"Do I seriously need to tell the whole God damn story? You killed Tom's mum. The car you stole was Y/n's parents, they got arrested after trying to be found for two years, when they did catch them, idiots of the cops decided there wasn't enough evidence so, he set them free. Tom's dad, clearly believing Y/n's parents were still guilty decided to kidnap Y/n to find out where her parents were. She didn't know. We came to the rescue, got in a fight. Cassandra went to save Y/n and jumped in front of a bullet," I informed, gasping for breath. Man did I hate long speeches.

"You're saying all this shit happened because of one small accident?"

"If you call killing someone and running away a small accident, yes," I let him go, realising he wasn't much as a threat, especially considering he looked like a lost puppy who was about to cry.

If I didn't hate him as much and if he wasn't the reason, apart from me, that Cassandra was in that bed, unconscious from surgery, I would have felt sympathy.

It was a close call, if we were five minutes later, Cassandra could have died. She needed a surgery right away to repair the damage of the wound.

"Fuck," cried Calvin.

Dropping to his knees and he started crying.

Who knew murderers could cry?

"I think you should own up. Clear up all this shit before it can get any worse. If that's even possible," I sighed, closing my eyes, and calming myself down. I truly wanted to beat the crap out of him.

"You're right." He whispered.

I looked at him taken aback, "What?"

I didn't expect him to own up that quick.

Roommates ~ Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now