Chapter eight
I realised that Cass was pointing at me. Whoa, hold on a minute, me? She nudged me; I glanced at Cass with the most murderous looking glare I could manage.
"So, is that true?" Asked Gina, her eyes burning with jealousy.
I shifted uncomfortably and scanned Tom; he looked as confused as I felt. Should I agree?
"Hello? Is it?" Repeated Gina, waiting impatiently.
"Um..." I mumbled.
"Yes! Of course it is!" Interrupted Cassandra.
Gina fake smiled at Cassandra and looked over to Tom and then me, "I want to her for myself, thank you."
I stared at Tom, beckoning for help. He nodded towards me, with a pleading look in his eyes. Does that mean he agreed?
"Yes," I croaked, I cleared my throat, "Yes," i answered clearly, the sound of my voice ringing in my ears.
Just then I heard clapping and whistling from the back; Jay. He slapped Tom by the back.
"Dude, when were you gonna tell me? You finally got the chick!"
I looked at him confused, wait, he thought it was real? Or was he playing along? Why did Tom want me to agree with being his girlfriend? Maybe it was true, maybe he did love me? Minions of questions swarmed through my head, causing it to ache.
Gina looked me up and down and gave a disgusted look. I felt like breaking her perfect nose. Thank god I agreed to this, she was one hell of a bitch, and I've only met her for about five minutes. Not sure how Lia managed to be her friend, she seems like the total opposite of Gina.
"Dear me; argument already? Cassandra, I thought you said you were polite? Cut in Jay's aunt. Cecilia, I think.
"Ma'am, I apologise but I didn't like Gina hitting on my best friend's boyfriend," she smirked like an idiot, glory written all over her face.
Sometimes, I don't know what goes in her head; it's full of little evil plans. I swear she is some kind of evil witch.
"Well, I suppose you're right, Gina, I suggest you apologise to Tom's girlfriend..." she raised her brow at me in question.
"Y/n, Y/l/n," I greeted, smiling at her. She sure looked and sounded nice, bit crazy, but nice.
She stared ar Cecilia in disbelief, when she didn't apologise, Cecilia turned towards Gina, and she changed her expression completely.
"Sorry," she said, fake smiling.
Oh God, I didn't even do anything and she already hated me? Talk about an over-reactive diva.
"Right, good, everything is settled, now let's all go inside, I'm sure you're all starting from your long trip."
Once everyone was done eating, I decided to help clean the dishes; which was a lot coming from me since I always argued with Tom to do mine.
"Right, Thanks Y/n darling, but it wasn't really necessary as we have people to help out with our household. You're a lovely lady, I'm so happy Tom has found someone like you."
I winced slightly at the lie and nodded.
"Right now let's show the rooms to everyone."
Cecilia motioned for me to follow her into the living room where everyone else was.
"Right, now let's show your rooms. Jay, you will stay in your usual place. Tom so will you but you'll have to share with Calvin, and Y/n and Cassandra you will also share a room. I'll show you where. Tom, if you could show Calvin."

Roommates ~ Tom Kaulitz
FanfictionY/n l/n is a typical seventeen year old teenager, she goes to school, dates, parties and all other typical teenage things. But there is one thing which is not so typical, she got kicked out of her own house, by her own parents! Not because she is a...