Chapter Two

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Angelica's POV

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Angelica's POV

23 February 2023

15:43 Getting dressed

When I arrived at my room, Bianca, Danika, and Catherine were unpacking their bags. I had already laid out my clothes on my bed, so I quickly changed and tied my hair into a ponytail. I picked up my tennis bag from the corner.

"How did you get ready so fast and still look so good?" Bianca asked me as she closed her bag.

I shrugged. "I don't know, but thanks."

"Are you guys ready?" I asked Danika and Catherine as they put on their trainers.

"Yep," Catherine answered, standing up from the floor and grabbing her bag.

"And you, Danika?" I asked, noticing she was still tying her shoes.

"Almost done," Danika grumbled.

"Whoa, what's wrong with you?" Bianca asked Danika, but Danika just glared at her.

"Okay, sorry," Bianca mumbled, looking away.

Danika groaned. "I'm sorry, B. I've just been so stressed lately. I didn't mean to take it out on you."

Bianca sighed, hugging Danika. "It's okay."

After a while, they let go, and we realized that we should probably get going or we'd be late.

15:54 Walking to the country club

Thankfully, we left on time, and now we are just three minutes away from the club.

"How late is your match, Ange?" Danika asked me.

"I think it's around five-thirty, why?" I asked.

"Because we want to be there on time," Danika said in a "duh" tone, as if it was the most obvious answer ever.

"Oh, you guys don't have to come," I said, as I stared at my shoes.

"We know, but we want to be there and support you," Bianca said as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah, we know how important this game is to you," Catherine smiled.

"Thanks, you guys. This means a lot," I said as we continued to walk in silence.

I looked around at the familiar scenery that I walk past almost every day, seeing the empty beach. I also saw a family, sometimes it makes me wonder about my own family.

Bianca tugged on my arm as she whispered. "Are you okay?"

"Of course," I smiled.

Bianca gave me a questioning look, but it seemed as if she just brushed it off.

Seeing the familiar entrance of the country club, Bianca started to walk faster, dragging me with her as our arms were still linked.

As we got closer, seeing the writing 'Vista Verde Country Club' made me smile. I have been here for four years with Bianca, and this is also where we met Danika and Catherine.

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