Chapter Tree

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Theodore's POV

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Theodore's POV

23 February 2023


When I found out that my father was seeing someone, I was shocked. During my childhood my father never dated anyone and was against the idea. So when he came home from a business trip in Italy all smiley and stuff, me and my brother were suspicious.

My father sat us down and told us that he was seeing someone. He told us about her, Esmerelda, and the way my father was talking about her, was the same way our grandfather talks about our grandmother. My father looked happy and in love so we were happy for him.

But when he told us we were getting a stepsister I was at a loss for words. I always wondered what it would be like to have a sister and have someone to bond with. I never had anyone to bond with in the family.

Dominic and Aiden bonded with their love for coffee. Jacob and James with their love for swimming, and Joshua and dad with their love for football. But me? I never had anyone.

Sure I had loads of friends, but I always felt alone. So maybe I'll be able to bond with Angelica?Anyway, today I didn't have practice so I decided I would just go home and have a chill day.

As I walked to the front door, I could already hear James and Joshua arguing about something.

"Hello Theodore," Dominic greeted me as I stepped in.

"Do you always have to call me by my full name?" I asked him.

"No, but it's fun annoying you." He smiled and continued to watch his movie and I went to my room.

Time skip - 18:00

I just finished talking to my girlfriend and was on my way down stairs when I saw dad sitting on the couch with a frown on his face.

"What's wrong, dad?" I asked him as I sat on the other couch that was next to the couch he was sitting on.

"Can you please call your brothers down. It's important." He said with that frown still on his face.

"Okay." I said and went to call everyone down stairs.

"What does dad want?" James asked me as he sat down next to Joshua.

"I don't know, but he said it's important."

I shrugged and waited for dad to come to the living room.We waited in silence for a while until dad came out of the kitchen drying his hands of a towel.

"Hello boys," Dad greeted us, closing the door behind him.

"Hello father," Dominic greeted him back. "Why did you call us here?"

"It is about your stepsister," He sighed. "She wants to only meet me tomorrow, instead of all of us."

"What?" James asked, confused.

"Esme said she wants to start with baby steps as all this is too overwhelming for her."

"Oh," Jacob mumbled, looking at the floor.

"Yeah, I'm going to leave you boys to think about it whilst I continue dinner and we'll talk about it at dinner?" He looked at all of us, nodded, and went back to the kitchen.

"So what do we do now?" Joshua asked.

"I don't know," Aiden replied, ruffling his hair.

"I guess we just wait until she actually wants to meet us." Joshua sighed.

"But dad didn't say she didn't want to meet us. Maybe she's just scared?" Dominic suggested.

"Okay, that makes me feel a little bit better." James spoke up.

We sat in silence for a while until dad came out of the kitchen to tell us dinner was ready.

Does she actually not want to meet us? Or is she really just scared?

Hello Lovelies,
I am sorry for the short chapter, but did you still like it?
I'm actually really surprised Inwas able to update, I think I will be able to update in 2 or something weeks so, Until next time!


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