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Hey everyone,

My December vacation is finally here, which I have been waiting for since forever.

My grandparents are also here to visit us until, I think, the 20th.

So that is my little life update for you guys.

But the reason I am here today is to firstly say how grateful I am for everyone that has read this book, but I think that I should put this book on hold for the time being.

I have found it difficult to write this book for a couple of weeks (almost a month) now, so I think that I should take a step back.

But don't worry, I will be back (probably around next year February).

But right now I will be enjoying my time with my friends, my family and also christmas season. And I hope you do to.

Til next time 💙

Til next time 💙

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Court of Emotions (ON HOLD + BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now