Chapter Seven

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Angelica's POV25 February 202305:40

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Angelica's POV
25 February 2023

After a restless night, I finally decided to do something productive and not waste my time.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my skincare routine, but I decided to stay in my pyjamas to be comfortable.

Since I have a test on Tuesday, I decided to start studying.

Time skip - 08:20

I sighed as I finally finished taking notes on the last unit that I needed to study.

While I was packing away my books, I heard a soft knock at my bedroom door. Before I could open it, my mom walked in.

"Oh, Angelica. I was just about to wake you up for breakfast. Go get changed and come downstairs to have some breakfast." She smiled sweetly at me and then left my room, closing the door behind her.

That's suspicious, that's weird. (A/N - just saw a TikTok with that meme, so don't mind me 💀)

I decided not to get dressed and that I would do it after I ate because I'm starving.

So when I got downstairs, my mother was not happy.

"Didn't I tell you to get dressed?" She raised her eyebrows and folded her arms.

"Can I please just enjoy my breakfast first, Mother?" I asked her in an annoyingly fake British accent and gave her the best puppy dog eyes that I could.

"Of course, Your Majesty," she joked with me and placed a plate full of my favorite breakfast.

"Wow, Mom, I didn't actually think you'd make breakfast," I said as I took a seat.

"Yeah, I just wanted you to wake up to a nice breakfast since you've been going through a lot of things recently."

"Yeah," I whispered, playing with my food.

"So, what were you doing up so early?" She asked as she took a seat at the table.

"Oh, I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to start studying," I replied and started to eat my food.

"Always studying," she mumbled under her breath.

"I'm not always studying," I defended myself.

"Okay, not always. But you do study a lot, sweetheart," she replied, concerned.

"Yeah, with everything going on right now, I've just been falling a little behind on school work," I said as I finished my breakfast.

"That's okay, sweetie. As long as you get enough rest, okay?" she asked.

"Okay, mom. Um, I'm gonna head upstairs and get changed," I said.

"Okay, sweetie. Just wear something warm. It's a little colder than usual," she reminded me.

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