Chapter Four

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(A/N: I don't know how the schools in Portugal work so I am just kinda going off how the schools work where I live but I will be adjusting it. Because the schools here do not start at 9)

 Because the schools here do not start at 9)

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Angelica's POV
24 February 2023

This morning I woke up a little later than usual, but it's fine, as the only thing I have to do is get dressed.

Since today is a friday, I changed into something comfortable but warm and I also let my hair down and curled it. And I also decided to put on some light concealer, because yesterday was quite tiring and I don't want anyone to see these eye bags.

When I finished applying my concealer, I went downstairs to put my lunch in my school bag

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When I finished applying my concealer, I went downstairs to put my lunch in my school bag. I then grabbed my house and gate keys, to leave and locked the door behind me.

This morning my mom had to leave earlier for a work meeting so that is why I am taking the bus this morning.

Time skip - 08:32

The bus was actually a little bit early so I obviously arrived at school earlier than expected. I don't usually take the bus in the mornings. My mom drops me off or Bianca's mom drops Bianca and I off. It is only really in the summer or spring where Bianca and I take the bus or the train together.

Since I arrived earlier, I decided to go to the library to study for some upcoming test.

After going through everything we have to study, I got a text message from Bianca asking where I was, and if I was alright.

I quickly texted her back before packing up my stuff and going to my locker, because we usually meet each other there.

Once Bianca saw me, she ran over and engulfed me in a hug.

"Hi, Angie." She greeted me as she let go.

"Hi, Bianca." I greeted her back as I reached for my locker's keys.

"You okay, Ange?" She asked me, concern lacing her eyes.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be okay?" I asked her as I started taking out our first few periods' books and putting them inside my bag.

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