He's Caring For Me ✩

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Her periods were always rough, but she had waited way too long to take any pain medication the night before, and waking up this morning, her body set off signals that this would be another rough cycle.

She had been laying in bed for the past ten minutes, trying to find the strength to get out of bed. She refused to call in simply because she had her usual bout of bad cramps. All she really needed was a hot shower, pain meds, a nice cup of coffee, and something light for breakfast.

After doing more debating, the dark-haired woman removed herself from the comforts of her bed. Grabbing her water bottle, she took back a few pills before moving toward her bathroom.

After her scorching hot shower, which slightly relieved the ache in her body, Lucy got dressed before making her way into the kitchen. By the time her coffee was made and she had some fruit, it was time to head out the door.

— — — — —

To say she had been moody was an understatement. Her body felt like it was on fire, all the emotions flowing through her brain not helping at all.

"Is something wrong?" Tim asked once they made their way back to the shop after lunch. He of course noticed the pained expression on her face and how silent she had been throughout the day. During lunch, she seemed disinterested in the conversations happening at the table, eating her food but also picking at it.

Nodding she turned to give him a smile, "I'm fine, just tired". From the look on her face, he knew she didn't want to discuss whatever was bothering her, so he let it go.

That is until they got a call needing all hands on deck.

Their entire team was there, speaking with each other after catching the guys they needed. Lucy was standing with Angela and Nyla when she started to feel sick. "You okay?" Angela asked with urgency, seeing as Lucy looked like she could vomit and pass out at any moment.

And for the first time today, Lucy told the truth, "No" she choked out putting her hand out to grab onto anything that could keep her body upright.

"What-" but before Nyla could finish Lucy was leaning over with a gag, her breakfast and lunch following. Both women rushed to hold her up, as their fellow officers and friends rushed over.

Tim was the last to hear the commotion but when he saw her brown bun he knew immediately something was wrong. "What the hell...Lucy what the hell is going on" he barked when she came into his view.

Shaking her head, Angela held her hand out to keep him from reprimanding Lucy. While Lucy had become one of her close friends, she also held a motherly status over the girl and she would not allow Tim to discipline her in this moment.

"She's sick Tim and the last thing she needs is for you to reprimand her. She needs to get back to the station, change, and go home. Now either you help me get her ready enough to move or you get the hell out of the way"

Angela was his best friend, but that didn't mean the woman wasn't scary when it came to the people she cared for. Nodding Tim told everyone that wasn't helping with Lucy to back up so they could have space. John and Celina moved to fill Grey in on the situation, making sure Lucy would be clear to immediately go home after she changed.

Continuing to rub her back, Angela tried to get the young woman to come back to reality. After a few minutes of soft chatter, Lucy could feel herself becoming more aware of her surroundings, the absolutely horrible pain shooting through her body, and the taste in her mouth.

She gagged once again, nothing coming up but bile by this point. Her body shuddered, tears making their way down her face and she whimpered in pain. Lucy could feel Tim's hands on her lower back massaging the area, and Angela's soft speaking in her ears.

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