Hard Days Call For Snuggles ✩

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The worst news you can give a family is that your child didn't make it. Lucy could still hear the screams of the girl's mother as medics pronounced her dead on scene. The young girl's father falling to his knees, anguished cries falling from his lips.

There was a heavy weight lying on Lucy's chest as she took information from the scene. The job was hard, she knew that but keeping composure in a scene like this was always complicated.

By the time she reached her car, her body was moving on autopilot. She drove back to the station, put in her reports, and changed out of her uniform. The drive back home, however, was excruciating.

Her emotions had gotten the best of her and the tears began to flow freely down her face. Blasting the AC didn't help the fact that she cried the entire time, and by the time she pulled into the driveway of her and Tim's home she couldn't help the loud sobs that escaped her mouth.

Lucy hadn't noticed Tim open their front door and make his way to her car, the weight on her heart being too much for her to pay attention to her surroundings.

"Hey, let's get you inside" he whispered, unbuckling her seatbelt and turning off the car. She could feel him moving her to stand on her own two feet but it felt as if gravity was weighing her down. The brunette's knees buckled, making her almost hit the ground if it weren't for Tim catching her just in time.

"Okay...okay I'll carry you. It's okay baby" Tim continued to whisper. In hopes that he could at least bring Lucy the slightest bit of comfort. She hadn't noticed they were in the house until Tim was sitting her on their bed.

She watched in a daze as he moved around their bedroom, grabbing her something comfortable to put on before moving to stand in front of her again.

He slowly and softly removed her clothes, placing the softer ones on her body. "What do you need from me?" he asked.

For the first time since making it home, she looked into his eyes, and what stared back at him was heartbreaking. Those pretty brown eyes that usually sparkled with happiness were shining with tears. Her lip trembled as she tried to hold them back, her breathing heavy, hands shaking.

Instead of giving him a verbal answer, she held him tighter to her body. Seeking out his warmth and whatever comfort he could provide her with.

After a few minutes of holding her, he decided it would be best if he got her laid down and comfortable in bed. Laying Lucy down, he moved to grab her favorite blanket off the hanging chair in the corner of their bedroom and grabbed her favorite soft pillow from the bottom of the bed.

Tim slid into bed beside her, pulling the usually content but now trembling body of hers into his own. "She was just a kid" Lucy cried out after a few minutes of silence, her tears coming back at full force.

"Her mom...her mom was s-screaming and all I could think about was Tamara and-", before she could finish she choked on her own sobs, breathing not coming any easier than it had minutes ago when her tears subsided.

Tim kept his hand on her back, now drawing small circles with his fingertips. "Take a few deep breaths for me baby. It'll all be okay I promise". Their job was incredibly hard, and even though you get used to seeing horrible things, it doesn't make it any easier to come home after seeing traumatic events take place.

After a few moments of Lucy evening out her breathing, she was able to tell Tim what happened. He supported her through the story, filling in her sentences where she paused when her emotions got the best of her. Tamara was his family, just as much as she was Lucy's so he could understand why the accident only reminded Lucy of Tamara.

With the promise they would call Tamara after she got off work, Tim turned on Top Chef for Lucy before making his way into the kitchen to make her favorite meal. Not long after he had left, Lucy made her way into the kitchen, wrapped in her blanket, hair at the top of her head in a messy bun.

With slightly puffy eyes, she still looked as adorable as she did every day. "You're supposed to be in bed watching your show" Tim spoke teasingly, raising his brow at her.

"You didn't give me a kiss" she pouted, making her way to where he stood at the counter chopping vegetables. Making a humming sound of recognition, Tim turned to give Lucy a kiss, pulling her body into his.

The kiss was of nothing but love and adoration. "Go lay back down, I'll come back in when the dinner is cooking in the oven" placing another kiss on her lips, he watched as she slowly made her way back to their bedroom, her smile brighter than it was when she walked in the door.

I love her, more than I've ever loved anyone

it's melissa's birthday and i felt the inspiration to finish this fic that i started a few days ago!

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