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I returned home after being in Colombia for three weeks visting my relatives. This is probably the longest I have gone without seeing Niko so Im really excited to see him again. I decided to take a cab to the beta house because i didnt want to inconvience them. They had no idea I was returning today.

I finally got there and tryed to open the door quietly. I slowly walked to the living room where I saw Aj, Camila, and Sharky. "I'm backkkkkkk" I say excitedly. They all look up in shock and run towards me.

"Jade you idiot why didnt you tells us you were coming back!" Camila says. "We would have picked you up!!" Sharky says while hugging me. 

"I didn't want to bother you guys, but atleast im here now." I shrug. "Wheres Niko, Chunkz and Kenny?" i ask them.

"Uhh i have no idea." Sharky says "I'll text them you're back." I give him a smile and we all go to the pool table. We play for a while talking about my trip and other random things. Kenny and Chunkz show up to see me, but there is still no Niko.

Camila could see that I was a little off "You good Jade?" she said worried. I nodded and gave her a reassuring smile. Camila was the only person that knew about my feelings for Niko. She helped me get through the times Niko would get a girlfriend or when other things would happened. I don't know what I would do if she wasn't in my life.

Suddenly we all hear a door open and close. I looked up to see Niko running to give me a hug. "Jade!!!! Youre back." he said loudly.

"Yes I am" I say still getting squeezed by Niko. "You jokeman you shouldve told me you were coming back today, I wouldve have been here earlier to see you!" 

"Im sorryyyy" i say. "its alright." Niko says finally letting go of me. "We should all go hang out together since we are all finally here again. he adds.

We all agree and decided to go to the amusement park because why not?

We finally arrive and split into groups. One group was Me, Niko, Camila, and Sharky. The other group was Aj, Kenny, and Chunkz.

"Sooo which ride should we go on first?" I ask them

"Can we please go on that rollercoaster!!" Sharky said excitedly Camila rolls her eyes and says "Yeah, no way." 

"I mean I wouldnt mind going on one." I add. "Come on Camila lets go on itttt." Niko begs.

"Yeah I'll hold your hand on the ride." Sharky says in a joking way.

Camila slaps sharky on the shoulder "Fine I'll go on it." We all cheer and start to wait in line. 

While in line I see this cringey couple on line and I point it out to Camila. She laughs and whispers "I bet you wish that was you and Nikoooo." 

"Shut up Camila" I laugh. I look back to see sharky raising his eyebrows. I look away and start getting worried. What if he heard what Camila said? What if he tells Niko? Thoughts start to fill my brain but I just tell my self im being dramatic. There is noooo way he heard. 

Finally we got to the front of the line. Camila and I were about to sit together but Sharky pulled my hand. "I'll sit with her." he says while winking. Oh no. I pretend to act confused and awkardly sit next to Niko. Why did Sharky have to make it weird I say to myself.

The ride starts and I'm really nervous. I love rollercoasters but the start of them are always so scary. Niko seems to notice I'm scared "Are you alright?" he says. I just nod nervously. As the rollercoaster goes up I feel something touch my hand. I turn to see its Niko offering his hand. Oh. My. God. I cant wait to tell Camila about this. I smile and accept his hand. I was no longer scared.

We got off the rollercoaster and went on a lot of other rides. We decided it was getting late and met up with the other group to go back home. 

I went up to my room and laid down on my bed bored. I wasnt really tired. I then heard a knock on my door. "Come in" i say.

It was Niko. "Want to watch a movie?" he asks. "Yeah of course." I say happily. Niko  goes to lay on my bed and we watch the movie in silence. 

I eventually get tired and doze off to sleep on his chest. He notices and turns off the the movie going to sleep as well.


-Sorry if this is kind of bad I am not the best at writing. New chapter will be out soon. Comment suggestions!!-

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