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-Time skip a week-

A week has gone by and I have barely seen Niko. We usually talk to eachother everyday, but for the past few days we have just spoken a few words. I wonder whats got him so busy.

I walk downstairs and see the squad sitting in the living room. They all turn to look at me. "Finally your down." Kenny says. 

"Yeah sit down Niko wants to say something." Chunkz says patting the seat next to him.

Niko waits for me to sit down and then he begins speaking "So you guys may have noticed I haven't been around this past week, and later today I want to show you why." 

"Show?" I question

"Yes show, it will make more sense later. But I just have to make sure you guys are all here. Will you guys be here at 4 pm today?" he asks

Everyone says yes. 

"Alright, make sure to dress up a little bit because after I show you we are going out to dinner." Niko says with a smile. 

We all say okay and I go back to my room. 

What does he mean by show? I think to myself. Is it like a project? Why couldn't he just say what it was he always has to make things confusing. I sigh. But I might as well start getting ready because it will be 4 in 2 hours. 

I put on green cargo pants with a black tube top. I slip on my militray black jordan 4's and then start doing makeup. I do a natural look and put on some jewlery as a finishing touch. I start hearing people calling my name and I check my phone to see that it was 4:01. I rush downstairs and I see them all waiting. 

"About time Jade, all you had to do was walk down the stairs." Aj said rolling his eyes.

"Sorry! I lost track of time!" I say

"Alright Niko, she's here now show us!" Sharky says

I look to see what Niko is going to show us and my heart drops. 

Why was there a girl next to him? Was it his friend? I hope its not his girlfriend..

"This is Vanessa, we have been dating for about 2 weeks now. She's amazing and I thought you guys would want to meet her." Niko said with a smile.

They were all saying hello to Vanessa but I kind of just stood there in shock. I mean what am I supposed to do talk to the girlfriend of the man I am in love with.

Camila nudges me back to reality and I see that Vanessa is looking at me.

"Hey! Im Jade its so great to meet you." I say trying to be nice. 

"Nice to meet you to Niko's told me a lot about you." she says with a smile.

I smile back her and glance at Niko. Hes looking at me. I can't help but get butterflies. God its like  everything he does is attractive.

But unfortuantely he has a girl now. I can't be a homewrecker!! Now its time to go to dinner... with Vanessa.

-After the restaurant-

"That pasta was sooo good." Kenny says

"I know right we should defeintly go back there one of these days." I add

"Yeah we really should" Chunkz replies

"Alright I'm going to bed." Aj says

Everyone goes to bed and I am in the living room watching TV when Vanessa walks in.

"Oh hey, I thought Niko dropped you off already?" I say

"He's about to I just forgot my phone." Vanessa says.

I nod.

Vanessa then turns to me then says. "By the way, I'm just going to give you a warning to stay away from Niko. I know you guys are best friends or whatever but its obvious you have feelings from him. We can get along with eachother. Just remember your place." 

I look at her in shock. "What are you going on about. I don't have feelings for him and I'm not trying to be a homewrecker so don't fucking talk to me like that you bitch." I say knowing one of the things I said was a complete lie.

"Yeah sure whatever helps you sleep at night bitch!" she yelled angrily while walking out of the room.


-So sorry that I haven't updated in a while and that this chapter is short but I have been really busy lately. I will be updating more.-

-I have been thinking about addng central cee to this story just to spice things uppp. Lmk in the comments if I should.-

Niko Omilana - Are We Still Friends?Where stories live. Discover now