-Break Up-

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-Timeskip a week-

"How do I break up with her Kenny. I mean I don't want to hurt her feelings." Niko asks

"Just be honest with her. Honesty is the best policy." He tells him

Niko glares at him.

"I said I don't want to hurt her feelings. I don't think I should tell her that I'm in love with Jade. She'll lose it." Niko says worried

"Alright then just say things aren't working out and that its best you break up." Kenny says

"That's actually a good idea thanks!" Niko says 

"I know I'm have amazing ideas." Kenny grins

-Niko goes to Vanessa's house-

Niko knocks on her door and she opens it.

"Nik! I've missed you come in." She says hugging Niko

He smiles awkwardly and comes in.

"There's something we have to talk about." He tells her

"Whats up?" Vanessa wonders

"Well, I'm sorry but I don't think this is working out." Niko says

"What?" she says in shock

"I think it's best we break up." he says

"Ugh I can't believe you!" Vanessa shouts "This is because of Jade isn't it!"

"W-What?" Niko stutters

"Don't act stupid! Its your loss I'm 10 times better than that whore!" she yells while pushing Niko out her house. "Don't come running back to me when you realize how much better I was!" she slams the door.

Niko stands there confused and in shock about what just happened. But glad they are over.

~Jade pov~

Its been a week since I have last seen Cench. We've talked a few times but he's been really dry lately and I'm not sure why.

I walk down to go eat lunch when I see Camila looking at me sympathetically. 

I give her a confused look "What's wrong?" 

"I'm so sorry Jade" Camila says handing me her phone

Its a picture of Cench with another girl. 

I feel tears start to well up.

Camila hugs me and I start crying.

"Was I not good enough for him?" I say

"No Jade you were too good for him. He's just some dumbass rapper that couldn't see that." Camila says reassuringly

"I'm going to block him." I tell her

"As you should. You know your worth." She smiles


~I've had writer's block so I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. Short chapter but it looks like Niko finally broke up with Vanessaaaa~

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