-First Date-

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"Camilaaa help me pleaseee what do I wear?" I beg

"Well where is he taking you?" she asks

"Good question. No idea." I answered

"Well then maybe ask him where your going so you know what to wear." Camila sighed

"I don't even know why your so nervous. He likes you"

"I just really do not want to mess it up with him." I said

"Jade don't worry. Your a great girl whats not to like. Now ask him where your going." she reassured


I take out my phone to text Cench and he says we are going to the ice skating rink.

Camila bursts out laughing.

"Don't laugh!" I huffed

"I'm sorry," she laughed "but you can't skate for shit."

"I know. This is going to be bad. But hey atleast I have an excuse to hold his hand." I laugh and wink at her.


I did my makeup and hair. Camila helped me choose a cute outfit to go skating in. I impatiently wait by the door for Cench.

The door bell rings.

"HE'S HERE STOP." I yell to Camila

"Have fun, but not to much fun!" Camila says jokingly.

I laugh and open the door.

"Hey." I say trying to hide my nervousness

"Hey, you look really pretty." he says with his cute ass smile.

"Thank you. You too." I say before realizing I called him pretty.

"Thanks I've never been called pretty before." he chuckles

Cench opens the car door for me and then we drive off to the skating rink.

"You good at skating?" Cench asked

"No, quite the opposite actually." I laugh

"Don't worry I'll help you." he said

We put on our skates and Cench started skating. Waiting for me to get on the ice.

"Come on you got this, just take two steps to get on." he encouraged

I took one step and everything seemed fine. But once I took another step I imediatly lost my balance. I thought I was going to hit the ground when I felt a pair of hands on my waist.

"I got you Jade don't worry." Cench assured

I felt my cheeks heat up because of his touch.

"Thanks." I muttered

We started skating around while he held my hand. I got to know him so much better. After we skated we went to go get some McDonald's. After that it was time for me to go home.

"Thank you for today. I had so much fun with you." I smile.

"Of course. I did too. We should defiently do this again sometime." he suggests

"Defiently" I say

Our eyes lock.

Cench starts to lean in and suprisingly so do I.

Next thing I know his soft lips are touching mine. I feel a thousand butterflies in my stomach.

But I just couldn't get something off my mind. Not something. Someone, and his name is Nikolas Omilana.


-Hey guys I'm back. Sorry for not updating for so long but I've been busy. I know this chapter is bad but I had no idea what else to write so I'm sorryyy. Please leave ideas and suggestions in the comments-

-Are you guys Team Central Cee?-

-Or Team Niko?-

Niko Omilana - Are We Still Friends?Where stories live. Discover now