-Guess the Rapper-

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Its been two days since I met that bitch Vanessa. I feel as if me and Niko have grown even farther apart. She's taking him away from me and theres nothing I can do about it. If Niko's happy with her then I'm not going to take that away from him. 


We are doing a Guess the Rapper video today so I have to start getting ready. Chunkz said a rapper would be featured in the video but he didn't say who. I kind of glad he didn't say who. I like to be suprised. 

I finished getting ready, I tried to dress nice since there was going to be a celebrity there. I then heard someone knock on my door.

"Come in." I said

It was Sharky

"Hey.. how are you?" he asked me.

"Im fine, why wouldn't I be?"  I say knowing I cried my eyes out last night because of Niko.

He gave me a look and said "You know why."

"Its okay to be upset." he said comforting.

I sigh. "Alright fine, this is really hurting me. But I'm trying my best to get over this. Its better this we stay friends anyway. It would never work out." I uttered.

He gives me a sympathetic smile and hugs me.

We both walk out of my room and go to meet the rest of the squad.

"About time you guys walked down we've been waiting foreverrr." Aj says.

"Sorry we were just talking." Sharky said.

"About what?" Niko questioned.

"None of your business." I scoffed rolling my eyes at him.

He gave me a weird look and shrugged.

-Timeskip to filming-

I'm really excited to see which rapper is going to be in the video. Maybe it will be Dave? That would  be cool. 

I turn to see Chunkz walking into the room with someone.

Holy shit. Theres no way. Central Cee is going to be in the video!

"Hey guys how are you doing, I'm excited to be in this video." he said smiling.

"Not as excited as we are." Aj laughed. 

"Yeah I mean your Central Cee." Camila said.

"Hahaha, you can call me Cench." he said.

We all went to sit down and Cench decided to sit next to me?? 

I'm so nervous right now, I don't want to embarass myself infront of this fine man.

-Timeskip to the end of the video-

"Play the trailer!" Central Cee said to the camera.

"Thank you so much for being apart of this Cench this was such a fun video." Kenny told him

"Thank you for inviting me I had so much fun." he replied with a smile.

Central Cee was talking with the rest of the beta squad memebers but Camila took my hand and grabbed me to a corner.

"He is so fine oh my god." she shared.

"I know right!!" I laughed

"You should totally ask him out! He was looking at you the whole time and this will help you get over Niko." Camila exclaimed.

"Uhh I dont know. Theres no way he likes me and I dont know if this will help me get over Niko." I doubted.

"Whatever its worth a shot. Who knows maybe he will ask for your number." she shrugged.

We went back to the rest of the squad and I saw cench smiling at me. I smiled back unsure of what to do and he went up to me.

"I loved filming with you today." he said with a smile

God that smile is going to make me fold.

"So did I." I replied

"I was wonderinggg if you would like to hang out sometime?" he asked.

No way!!

"Of course I would love to. I'll give you my number." I grinned.

We had a small conversation until he had to leave. 

Thats when Niko came up to me. 

"What was that about?" Niko asked

"Oh nothing he just wanted to hang out with me sometime." I replied

"You want to hang out with him?" he scoffed

"Yes I do, who I hang out with has nothing to do with you." I retorted.

"Don't you have to be with Vanessa right now?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes I do in fact." he said as he stormed off.


-Hope you like this chapter, and don't worry Niko and Jade will happen soonnn. Be sure to vote and comment and leave any suggestions you want!-

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