-Lie Detector-

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(This is not the lie detector test they did)

Its been three days since I got back and we are getting ready to make a lie detector video. I'm worried because we are going up one by one and we have to answer questions the squad asks. They'll know if we lie or not so I hope they dont ask me bad questions.

I took a quick shower, put on a bit of makeup, then put on a cute outfit. I still haven't asked Sharky if he heard anything the day of the amusement park. I don't want to make a mistake and have Niko find out about me liking him. I swear if Sharky asks any stupid questions in todays video I'm going to kill him. 


"Okay so Niko will be doing the intro to the video and we'll get started" Chunkz said as we were about to start filming.

"Whats the order?" Aj asked.

"It'll be Kenny, Sharky, Camila, Me, Niko, You, and then Jade." Chunkz replied. 

We all got a seat as Kenny got set up with the lie detector. We then started asking questions.

-timeskip to Jade's turn-

"Now last but certainly not least Jade will now go!" Kenny said

"Yeah, im so excited!" I said sarcastically

I went up and sat in the chair as they connected the lie detector to me. My heart is pounding rapidly, I'm so nervous. 

"Alright so I'll ask the first question," Aj said. "What is your worst fear?"

I took a few moments to think "Rats I think, besides you Aj." I said laughing

"Hahaha you're so funny" Aj said sarcastically. The lie detector person put a thumbs up for truth. 

"My turn to ask a question!!!!" Camila said excitedly.

"Have you ever gone to jail?" Camila asked knowing that I have.

"Yes" I said. Everyone was shocked besides Camila and Niko.

"But I have a good explanation! I was doing a fake employee video at target and stayed a little to long so the police came and arrested me...but Niko got me out so it's all good." I said and smiled at Niko. He smiled back at me and then we continued with questions. 

"Alright next question, would you rather give the hurtful truth or tell a little white lie?" Chunkz asked.

I thought for a second "I mean it depends what it is but probably little white lie because I wouldn't want to hurt someones feelings." I answered. The lie detector person gave a thumbs up. 

Now its Niko's turn to ask a question "Have you ever lied to me about something?" he asked.

I paused for a second and gave a nervous smile. "I mean nothing major but yeah.." I said. When the lie detector person gave a thumbs up Niko gave me a death stare.

Now down to the last two people. Kenny and Sharky. I saw Sharky whisper something in Kennys ear before he asked the question. 

"My question is..... who do you think is the most attractive member of the beta squad is BESIDES Camila." he asked laughing.

"Are you being serious right now, I find none of you attractive!" I say. The lie detector person gave a thumbs down.

"OH MY GOD WHO!" Aj said. "You have to say someone!!!" Sharky adds.

"This is so embarassing I can't say this, you'll never stop bothering me." I say angrily.

"Wallahi its Niko." Chunkz said. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"Im sorry but you have to say who." Kenny says.

"Alright fine. But just because I find him the most attractive does NOT mean I like him. Its just that hes the most decent one out of the rest of you guys." I say in a serious tone.

"Alright we get it now say who!" Aj says.

"Fine, I guess if I had to choose then... Niko." I say turning away trying to hide my blush from embarassment. They all went crazy. I see Camila give me a sympathetic smile.

"Okay can we just get this over with? Sharky ask your question." I say.

They all settle down and wait for Sharky to ask his question. "My question for you is, have you ever been in love with one of your friends."

Oh my god what is it with these questions. Niko's going to think I like him! I mean I do but, he cant know! 

"Uh, I mean probably in school or something." I say calmly. The person gave a thumbs up. I see Sharky give me a wink and I give him a weird look. 

"Now that this over... play the trailer!!" I say with a smile.

I'm so happy this is finally done. I need to talk to Sharky. Before he causes even more problems. I go up to Camila.

I looked to see that no one was around. "That was so embarassing." I whispered.

Camila gave me a hug. "Its okay! Its just most attractive, Im sure they don't think you like him." she said reassuringly. I give her a smile and we both head home.

As soon as we got home I took a nap. I can't handle talking to more people. I'll talk to Sharky later.

After my power nap I went and knocked on Sharkys room. "Come in!" he yelled.

"Can we talk?" I said and he gave a small nod.


-Hey! Sorry for not updating in a few days I've been busy. Hope you like this chapter. I'll post the next one soon. Be sure to comment and vote! Have a good day-

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