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~Sharky Pov~

Should I have done that? I thought to myself. I was only trying to help Jade with Niko, but she seemed kind of upset. I mean its really obvious that she likes him, the day at the amusment park just confirmed it for me. Niko is just such an idiot he doesn't see it. They would be such a good couple. I gurantee he likes her back. God they are both stupid! I'm going to get them together trust me. I was interupted by my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door. It was Jade, great. 

"Hey.." i said awkwardly

Jade gave my a blank stare.

"Did you hear what Camila said to me the day of the amusment park." she said in a serious tone. I shrugged in reply.

"Sharky! Did you or did you not?" she said raising her voice.

"Yes I did." I sigh

~Jade Pov~

This is terrible! Hes going to tell him what do I do! I thought to myself.

"Sharky please don't say anything to Niko." I beg

"I won't don't worry. Its not my secret to tell." he said

"You promise?" i said seriously

"Yes I promise." Sharky said with a smile

Just as I was about to leave he said "But that does not mean I'm not going to try to get you guys togetherrrrrr." he laughs. I roll my eyes and shut the door. 

Good one less thing to worry about. I can trust him. I think. What am I thinking its Sharky of course I can. I thought mentally slapping myself. I walk into my room and see Camila sitting on my bed. 

"Sooo what'd Sharky say" she asks curiously.

"He said that he wouldn't tell him. But hes going to try to get us together." I laugh

"Thats good! I knew he wouldn't snitch." she says.

"Anywaysss, I was wondering if you wanted have a girls night out, we could invite Nella." Camila says excitedly.

"Uh yes!! Where to?" I ask

"The club!!!" she says dancing 

"Okay! Then I need to start getting ready now because you know how long I take." I say laughing


I was finally ready after 3 hours of getting ready. I had to shower, put on makeup, find a dress, and I decided to put these cute little rhinestones in my hair so that added an extra hour. 

"Nella's waiting in the car come on Jade!" Camila yells

"Coming!" I yell back

I run down the stairs trying not to trip because of my heels. I get to the car and realize I left my phone in my room. 

"I'm sorry I left my phone in my room! I'll be quick!" I say

"Girl, hurry up!!" Nella says annoyed.

I run back upstairs and grab my phone. I was already winded. I was about to run down the stairs when I bump into someone. 

"Oh my god I'm sorry. I'm just in such a rush and-" I look up to see it was Niko

"It's okay don't worry." Niko says with a laugh

He then looks me up and down and raises an eyebrow.

"Where are you going dressed like that?" he asks

"Uhh to the club with Nella and Camila." I say confused to why he cares.

"Well be careful guys are going to be all over you dressed like that." he says

"Thats the point!" I say jokingly. But all he does is just stare at me. I slowly walk down the stairs confused as to what happened. Was he jealous? Worried? Nah he doesn't care. Its just the club anyway. 

~Niko Pov~

Jade walks down the stairs and I go in my room angrily. She shouldn't be going to the club. What if she finds a guy there? He wouldn't deserve her. Jade deserves someone that would care for her and be there for her always. That someone is me!

I shove my face into my pillow and just lie there overthinking. I need to get over her. She'll never like me. I've given her so many hints now its obvious she doesn't. I have to meet someone else, I sigh. Its the only way I'll lose feelings, if that doesn't work I dont know what will...


-Sorry this is a short chapter, the next one will be longer. Vote and comment! Have a wonderful day!-

Niko Omilana - Are We Still Friends?Where stories live. Discover now