~Take me back~

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A few days had passed since the break up.

Niko and Jade have been talking more recently and they friendship they had was returning.

The two were in the living room watching ATLA.

"This show is so good thank you for putting me on Jade." Niko thanked

"No problem! You know I always watch the best shows." she grinned

We continued watching the show and heard a knock on the door.

"Ill get it." Niko grabbed the remote and paused. The show. He walked over the door to find none other than Cench.

He had flowers and chocolate in his hand. "I'm here to talk to Jade."

"We'll I don't really think she wants to talk to you."

"Let me in Niko." Cench tried pushing past the tall man.

Niko pushed him away. "Yeah no shot."

I heard Niko talking to someone and walked over to the door. "Who is it?" I looked past the door to so Cench.

"Jade! I'm sorry take me back! It didn't mean anything. I won't do it again. I want you." Cench pleaded.

"Just go away Cench. Just because you want me does NOT me I want you. You did what you did and that's that. I don't want to see you here anymore." She walked away from the conversation. 

"You heard her its time for you to go." Niko told him.

"I didn't want you anyway!" Cench yelled so Jade could her.

Niko laughed "Yeah its totally like your not at her doorstep begging for her back with flowers and chocolate. But hey man I understand she's a great woman. But let's face it you blew it." With that Niko closed the door. He want and walked over to the living room were Jade was sitting.

"Hey you okay?" Niko asked worried.

"Yeah I'm good. I don't care about guys like that. He's not the type of person I want to be with." Jade said moving slightly closer to Niko.

Niko felt the tension between the two. "What guys do you want to be with then?" The two were getting closer and closer.

"With-" Jade began saying until Sharky and Aj came into the living room. 

"Hey guys we're going bowling want to come?" Aj asked. Niko and Jade separated from each other quickly.

Jade stood up quickening "Uh yeah sure! Let me just get my jacket." Jade got away fast. She was confused as to what just happened. Was she going to kiss Niko?


The group were in the car driving to the bowling place. Niko and Chunkz were in the front. AJ, Kenny, and Sharky in the middle. Jade and Camila in the back. 

Jade just told Camila about the encounter with Cench and what happened after with Niko. "No way!!" she yelled loud enough for the whole group to hear. 

"Shut up!" Jade slapped Camilas arm. 

"What happened why'd you yell" Sharky asked.

"Nothing!" Camila said quickly. Sharky gave her a look knowing she was lying. 

"We'll tell you later." Jade whispered a little too loud that AJ and Kenny heard. 

"Tell him what I wanna know" AJ looked back at the girls. 

"Yeah me too what's going on" Kenny asked them. 

"Camila why are you so loud" Jade said rolling her eyes and sighing. 

"Guys just shut up we'll tell you laterrrr" Camila emphasized .

"Oh my god does it have to do with Niko" Kenny blurted. Sharky slapped his mouth shut.

Jades eyes widened and everything went silent. Everyone went to look at Niko.

He turned back and took out his AirPods. "Uh why's everyone staring at me?"

"Oh thank god" Camila sighed. 

~Its been forever but school is literally gonna be the death of me. I can't wait till summer break~

~Also I think I may rewrite this story but I'm not really sure of what I should do. My writing is really bad in this story. Should I rewrite orrr just finish? Please lmk 😭 😭~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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