-Text Message-

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I'm sitting in the living room watching Teen Wolf when Kenny walks in.

"Oh hey Kenny didn't know anyone else was home." I said

"Hi Jade, I got here a few minutes ago actually." Kenny said.

He sat down and we stayed silent for a couple of minutes watching the show.

"Can you pause the show for a little bit. Theres something I want to talk to you about." He asked.

"Yeah of course," I pause the show "whats up?" I replied.

"So, I've noticed you and Niko haven't been on the best terms and hes been a little off lately so I was just wondering whats been going on?" he questioned.

"Well" I hesitated "I'm not really sure. Ever since he got with Vanessa hes just been weird towards me and he gets mad at the littlest things like when Cench asked me to hang out. I'm worried things will never be the same between us." 

Kenny sat there thinking about what I said. A moment of realization hit him.

"Everything is going to turn out okay between you two. I'm sure of it." he smiled.


I was hanging out with Camila when I got a message.

"Jade someone sent you a message." Camila said

I was busy painting my nails so I told her to read the messages.

"Oh my god its from Cench!" she exclaimed

"Wait what! Read the message!" I beamed

"Okay okay! It says 'Hey Jade, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me tomorrow? I could pick you up at your place." Camila says trying to sound like him

I stood there in shock. 

"I don't know if I should go. I mean what about Niko. I know hes been acting like an asshole lately but I still love him." I said

"Its just one date, whats the worst that could happen? Maybe you'll really like him." Camila grinned

"Alright I'll go, can you text him the address." I smiled

"Yes!! Of course I will." Camila cheered

~Niko Pov~

I was scrolling on my phone when Kenny asked if he could talk to me.

"Hey I have a question." Kenny asked

"What is it?" I wondered

"Do you like Jade?"  he said

I looked at him unsure of what to say.

"I mean of course I do shes my best friend." I say nervously

"You know thats not what I mean. I mean in a more than friends type of way." he enuciated

"I don't know man." I sighed. "Its just that whenever I see Jade I just want to be with her. She makes me feel some type of way I can't explain. Shes all I think about. I know I shouldn't be saying this when I have a girlfriend but to be honest I'm only dating her to take my mind of this. Its not working, it got me so annoyed when I saw her with Cench."

"Well, it sounds like your in love with her."

In love?

"Instead of trying to run away from those feelings accept them. You have to tell her before someone else takes her, don't get mad at her for talking to other guys when she doesn't even know the way you feel. And also its not fair to Vanessa your only dating her to take your mind of Jade. I suggest breaking up with her if I were you. Kenny added.

"Thanks Kenny, you always give the best advice." I grinned

"Of course." he smiled

"I'm gonna go talk to Jade now." I said to him

"Alright good luck!" Kenny cheered

*Text Messages*

Niko: Hey can we talk?

Jade: Sure, I'm in my room

Niko: Alr omw

I walk into Jade's room and I see her putting her make up on. Camila walks out of the room.

"Hey" I said nervously

"Hey" She said back

"Where are you going?" I asked

"Oh i'm just going out with Cench." she replied

What? Cench? Am I too late?

"Oh thats cool." I say awkwardly

She nodded

"So whatd you want to say?" she wondered

"Oh uh... I just want to say that I'm sorry the way I acted the other day and that I'm glad you and Cench are going out." he fake smiled

"Oh thanks, I accept your apology." Jade grinned

"Alright I'm going to let you get ready, have fun." I said

She smiled in reply. 

As I closed the door I sigh. I wish it was me going out with her. I wish Cench never asked her out. And I wish I didn't wait so long to tell her my feelings.


-How do you think Jade's date with Cench will go? Will Niko ever confess to her? All will be revealed soon. Please comment and vote!-

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