You and Me and the Devil Makes Three 🌶️🌶️🌶️

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Sebastian picked the ring up and looked over to me, in the dim light it almost looked like he was looking at me for permission

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Sebastian picked the ring up and looked over to me, in the dim light it almost looked like he was looking at me for permission. I nodded and gave him a small smile, it's why we where here wasn't it?

Taking a deep breath, Sebastian slipped the ring onto his right side ring finger. For a second nothing happened, but once the ring was nestled past the last knuckle, it glowed red hot. Sebastian hissed in pain, but before he could even reach to take the ring off, it had begun rapidly cooling. Both of us stared in amazement as it's color faded back to the deep onyx color, the raven engraving glinting in the light of the lumos maxima.

I was about to ask Sebastian if he could feel anything, but an explosion from the ground above rocked the crypt before I could get a word out.

"We need to get out of here, NOW" stressed Sebastian.

He grabbed my hand and we started running for the steps, climbing them two at a time and bursting out of the crypt into the cool night air, only to be met with a troll.

We slid to a halt in the gravel, the troll training his bloodshot eyes on us. The troll reached to the ground and ripped an impossibly large boulder from the earth and whipped it at Sebastian and I, both of us rolling out of the way just in the nick of time. Gravel bit into my shoulders as I rolled away and steadied myself.

I looked over to Sebastian to confirm he was okay, and was relieved to find him in a similar stance to my own. We made eye contact and nodded in agreement to something that passed unspoken between us.

Basic casts wouldn't help us, and using spells like bombarda and confringo would take a long time, and time was a luxury we didn't have, the sound of the troll heaving the boulder had made a cracking sound similar to that of thunder, and we were sure it would attract more Ranrok loyalists. We needed to finish this quick.

Sebastian and I steadied ourselves against the gravel and cast avada kedavra in unison, our wands pointed at the troll. Thick green streaks of magic collided with the troll and it's towering body crumpled to the ground with a thunderous crash, shaking the earth around us.

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