Hello Ominis, Nice to Meet You

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The rain was unrelenting, soaking through my clothes almost immediately. I looked around and found myself standing near the bridge to the forbidden forest, but... couldn't for the life of me remember why I had walked this way, in the pouring rain no less. The moons position in the sky told me it was after midnight, how curious.

Just as I was about to turn around and head back to the castle, I heard the distinct call of a raven and the familiar sound of ruffling feathers.

Looking up, I noticed a large raven perched on the stone wall in front of the bridge, staring right back at me. It cocked its head at me and keened once again, before lifting off the bridge and landing on the wall on the opposite side across the river.

A voice inside my head whispered to follow the raven, and my feet started moving after the ebony bird on their own accord. Even as my feet started sinking into the mud, and the rain started beating down so hard it was stinging my skin, something told me this was important.

Every time I would catch up with the infernal bird, it would look me in the eyes and lift off again, flying another 20 yards or so before landing and turning to me again.

I climbed over logs and boulders as we wound our way deep into the forbidden forest, and each time the raven would wait patiently for me to catch up.

Finally, deeper into the forbidden forest than I had ever been before, at the edge of an eerie lake, the raven landed for the final time. It perched on a moss covered stone, turning and waiting for me.

Once I caught up, the raven looked at me expectantly.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked, only feeling slightly silly for talking to a damn bird.

The raven ruffled it's feathers, and opened its beak as if to speak, but instead of words, out poured a hissing sound that made the hairs on my arm stand up.

I shuddered as the hissing slithered it's way over my skin, it put me on edge and I felt the urge to cover my ears, but before I could raise my arms, the hissing stopped.

The bird took one final look at me before taking off, this time flying up above the tree line, obviously not waiting for me to follow this time.

I huffed in disappointment, what waste of time and energy, trudging all the way into the forbidden forest through rain and mud, for what? It should all mean something, but I was more confused than ever.

I slumped against the stone in defeat, ready to call it an evening and go back to the warmth of the castle, but the pressure of my hand against the stone disrupted some of the moss, and before I could turn around and head back, something underneath the moss caught my eye. Just a shadow against the stone, but enough to draw my attention.

I swept the moss aside, having to yank in some areas where the moss had grown into the stone. I scraped and scraped until my nails where ragged and my finger tips raw.

Finally, in disbelief, I stared at the stone in front of me. Except it wasn't a stone at all.

It was the headstone of Salazar Slytherin.

I jerked awake, covered from head to toe in sweat, but still in my dormitory bed.

It had all been a dream.

But it had felt so real, and I could still smell the scent of the trees and moss of the forbidden forest that I was painfully familiar with.

No, it wasn't just a dream, it had meant something, I would bet my magic on it.

Lace Trimmed Danger // A Sebastian Sallow ficWhere stories live. Discover now