No Going Back 🌶️

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Sebastian and I walked back to Hogwarts hand in hand, covered in blood and worse for wear, but grinning like fools

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Sebastian and I walked back to Hogwarts hand in hand, covered in blood and worse for wear, but grinning like fools. What a sight we must be, but I didn't care, I was happy for the first time in a long time. Sebastian seemed lighter too, even his eyes seemed brighter. The air was chilly, but the warmth of Sebastian's hand was fire on my skin, the boy was a damn furnace. Walking through the Scottish country side, hand in hand, under a sky full of stars, in that moment, we felt infinite.

"Where are you at on your search for a cure" I asked, breaking the silence.

Sebastian's grip on my hand tightened reflexively, and his smile became strained.

He hesitated for a moment and dropped his smile before answering, "I found an interesting book in the restricted section of the library before school let out, and I spent the summer studying it from cover to cover. It details a number of ancient artifacts, particularly ones created with dark magic. One chapter in particular caught my attention, it focuses on an artifact that can be used to absorb and concentrate dark magic. It was created by a dark wizard for the purpose of harnessing the magic of others to add to his own power, but it is my belief that it could also be used to draw out the dark magic that Anne's curse was conjured from. Anne's curse was born of dark magic, it's plausible that an artifact with the ability to absorb dark magic is the answer".

I stopped dead in my tracks and pulled on his hand so he stopped and turned to me, "Sebastian! That sounds really hopeful!" I exclaimed with a big smile on my face.

His face remained somber, and my smile fell in return. There was more to the story that he was holding back. "What's wrong...?" I questioned.

"For starters... the artifact hasn't been seen in at least 100 years, so there's no guarantee we would even be able to find it. Secondly, if we managed to find it, it has a long and bloody history. Many have died trying to obtain it, and those who managed to obtain it, don't usually retain it for very long" Sebastian sighed out, squinting up at the moon.

"What happens to them once they find it?" I asked tentatively.

Sebastian seemed to put some thought into whether he wanted to answer this question honestly, if at all. I gently tugged on his hand and used my palm to turn his face down so that he was looking into my eyes. I gave him a reassuring smile and waited for him to continue.

"Some are killed by others trying to steal it, some commit suicide, and some slip into insanity" he breathed out quickly, never breaking eye contact with me.

Well I can certainly see why he was holding that part back. I gulped uncertainly, turning away from Sebastian to stare over the inky void of the black lake while I thought over all the information he had just told me.

Was it worth it? Dark objects like the one Sebastian was describing where tricky, there was always more to them than meets the eye, and most dark magic comes with a price. But could we put a price on saving Anne? Certainly not. If Sebastian lost Anne, I would lose Sebastian, I could feel it.

I turned back around to face Sebastian again and took his hands into mine. "Sebastian, we stare danger in the face everyday, if there is any chance this artifact could save Anne, I think we should try to find it".

Sebastian stared at me in awe, obviously shocked that I had agreed with him.

"I'm serious Theo, you could get really hurt, or even killed" he stressed, taking my face into hands.

"Death doesn't scare me Sebastian, I think there are far worse things in life than dying, would you disagree?" I asked him.

"No" he said without hesitating.

"What does scare me, is the thought of losing you..." I confessed.

We stared at each other, both breathing heavily, our emotions permeating the air around us like a thick cloud. He wrapped his arms around me and crushed me into his body, pressing his lips into mine. I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and met his embrace, both of us hanging on for dear life.

I broke the kiss and playfully pushed him away before sprinting off into the darkness. I could feel him running after me, but I was quicker than him. I peeled off layers of my clothes as I ran, dropping them piece by piece. By the time I reached the edge of the black lake, I was entirely naked except for the white blouse I had been wearing underneath the cobalt blue button down. I stopped at the waters edge and turned around to face Sebastian, who had come to stop right behind me.

I met his eyes with my own before peeling off my last remaining item of clothing, leaving myself completely exposed to him. He raked his gaze over every inch of me, taking in every detail.

Before he could take a step closer, I whipped away from him and dove into the glassy surface of the lakes depths. The water was freezing and immediately my skin broke out in goosebumps, but it felt good to wash myself of the blood and dirt I was covered in.

I rose back to the surface, filling my lungs with the frigid air and turned around to face  Sebastian who was still on the shore staring.

"Fancy a swim Sallow?" I called to him while smiling seductively.

Without saying a word he undid his tie, throwing it in the rocks at the lakes edge. Next he pulled off his shirt, exposing his toned and freckled body to me. Merlin he was handsome, muscular and sinewy, most likely from growing up in the farming village of Feldcroft. His pale skin was dusted with freckles, just like his face, I briefly wondered if I could trace constellations in them with my fingers like I do with my eyes to the stars. His long elegant fingers started unbuckling his belt, and seeing his muscles subtly flex with the movements stirred a warmth in my body that was in stark contrast with the icy water I was submerged in. I took in the long pronounced veins on his arms as he pulled his trousers down, and I knew this man was going to be the death of me.

We made love in the shoulder deep water of the lake, the moon illuminating us in its soft glow. The water rendered me weightless, so I let him cradle my body to his, my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs wrapped around his torso while he moved inside of me. We became a single entity of passion, there were moments when I wasn't sure where my body ended and his began. He whispered my name over and over, and I swallowed his words with my lips every time.

When I climaxed, I threw my head back so I could feel the glow of the moon on my face. Sebastian watched me the entire time, transfixed by my pale skin illuminated by the night sky, his own thrusts becoming erratic.

"Beautiful..." he breathed out, right before he pulsed and spilled his seed inside of me.

So much had changed between Sebastian and I in the last 12 hours, but we both knew there was no going back.

Lace Trimmed Danger // A Sebastian Sallow ficWhere stories live. Discover now