vii. lover or something

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( January 29th, 2022. )

Ever since Lily's realization during the game against Northwestern, she's been more distant. Not just with Caitlin — but with everyone. She didn't exactly know why she's shutting everyone out, but if she were to make an educated guess, it would be because she needs to reevaluate her relationship with Caitlin ( meaning a lot of remembering in order to figure out if previous interactions were platonic or romantic ). She didn't want to mess anything up with her best friend if she was severely missing the mark, and she never did anything without thinking it through.

Considering it's only been a whole twenty four hours since the game, her behaviour hasn't really alarmed anyone but her cousin, Monika. She practically knows everything about Lily, and this behaviour only happened whenever she was going through something that resembled a midlife crisis, but in her case, an early life crisis?

Deciding to go visit her cousin, Monika finds herself with two very hard decisions.

Telling Caitlin, and risk her relationship with Lily, or don't tell Caitlin, and risk her own relationship with Caitlin. In the end, she knew that her best friend would forgive her for not telling her. She wasn't unforgiving ( quite literally the opposite ), but whenever Lily gets hurt by someone, even if they're family, she's truly done with that person. She'd rather take her chances with Caitlin than lose someone close to her.

After a questionable look from Caitlin, she successfully makes it into the apartment, all the way to where Lily's room is.

"Lils?" She knocks a couple times, getting no answer. "It's Monika, can I come in?"

She doesn't hear anything back from her cousin, which makes her rightfully concerned. Making the risk to enter Lily's room without permission, Monika opens the door and closes it behind her once she's in.

Monika doesn't find anything like it's normally seen in the movies with messes and trash everywhere no, Lily's room looks exactly like it always does, clean and proper. The only difference is the 5'3 girl currently laying on the bed and looking at the ceiling.

She winces, before deciding to go lay next to her on the queen bed. "What's up?"

"How long have you known?" Her voice seems a bit strained, evidenced that she hasn't talked much for awhile now.

Monika exhales loudly, expecting this from the get-go. "Ever since you guys met."

"How?" Only then does Lily turn her head to look at her, something unrecognizable in her eyes.

"Well," she pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing, "She always seemed to be looking out for you. Of course, she does it with all of her friends, but with you, it was different. She could not get her eyes away from you."

Lily groans, putting the palms of her hands on her eyes. "God, how did I never notice? I'm such an idiot."

    Immediately shaking her head, her cousin stops her thoughts immediately. "You aren't, Lily. Maybe a little oblivious, but I think you were just trying to protect yourself."

   She sits up, turning to Monika with a look of confusion. "From who? Caitlin? She would never hurt me, you know that."

   Monika smirks triumphantly and gets up as well, "there it is! You know that she would never hurt you so what are you so scared of?"

BAD HABIT, caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now