xii. the downfall of connor mccaffery

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trigger warning: attempted sexual assault. please please please be careful when you read this. your safety matters and you should prioritize it over a chapter. a brief recap will be at the end of the chapter, with everything that you need to know to continue on to the next chapter (chapter thirteen).

( February 9th, 2022. )

     Lily Matthews is not a party girl. No matter how much she tries to actually enjoy herself at parties, she'll always prefer the comfort of staying home and reading a book.

Though, this was an occasion that couldn't be missed. It was the first home basketball game in awhile, which mean there would be a party afterwards. Cue Lily, standing near a wall with a drink in hand, with Emma Santos near her.

"I wanna go home so badly," she whines loudly, throwing her head back hard enough to hit the wall behind her. She winces, pulling her free hand towards the spot that hurts on her head.

Emma looks at her with a grimace, knowing that her friend would rather be anywhere else than at a random frat boys house. "Listen, I'm sure Caitlin will get bored of this party soon, you could go home then?"

Lily nods, agreeing with that conclusion. "Speaking of Caitlin, where is she? It's not exactly hard to lose her," she refers to the girls tall frame.

Emma just looks around, before she turns back to Lily, yelling out her response due to the loud music, "I'm pretty sure she's playing beer pong," she shrugs, her childhood best friend had a tendency of wandering around, so she wasn't that worried.

"I'm gonna go look for her," she decides, looking through the crowd of dancing bodies, before the brunette's hand clasps around her wrist to stop her.

"Are you sure? I can go with you if you want," she offers, looking worried.

Lily just shakes her head, smiling reassuringly. "I'll be fine, Emma. Go have fun!"

Emma looks apprehensive, but after examining the blonde's face for a few seconds, she lets go of her wrist. "Okay, let's meet back here in thirty minutes, just in case you don't find her."

She agrees, before turning around and trying to go through the people dancing. She gets halfway through the crowd, but someone who she assumes is Emma grabs her wrist again.

"Emma, I told you I would be fine-" she cuts her sentence short after she turns around, the person in front of her is definitely not Emma Santos.

Right in front of her, is a six foot six man, towering over her so much that she doesn't think anybody would find her in the crowd anymore, even if they tried their hardest. Lily isn't afraid of many living beings, but if she had to name one, Connor McCaffery would be at the very top of her list.

"Sorry," she tightly smiles at him, trying to get past him, before he grabs her by the waist to stop her.

"Where do you think you're going?" He leans in closer to her, his strong cologne filling her senses. Her breathing starts to quicken, looking back and forth for ways to escape his hold. "I think it's about time we have a little talk."

Lily winces at the way he says the last word, and she has a feeling that he means the complete opposite. "We don't have anything to talk about," she denies, shaking her head at him. "Let me go, Connor."

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