xiii. you're so humble

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( February 9th, 2022. )

    Following what happened at the party, the girls ultimately decided to let Caitlin and Lily go to their apartment alone. They all knew that once she was in the comfort of her home and in Caitlin's arms, she would start to come out of her dissociative state.

    The brunette hadn't let her go once, as Kate was the designated driver for the night, she carefully went into the backseat of the car, still holding Lily bridal style. The anger hadn't dissipated even as she places her in her bed, instead of the blondes, mainly because she wanted to keep an eye on her.

"Lily?" She whispers, kneeling down next to Lily's spot in her bed that she claimed months ago. "Babe?"

Finally, she gets a response out of her. It's not much, but Caitlin takes it as a good sign. Carefully, as to not make her panic, she reaches forward and puts her hands on her face.

The contact seems to shake Lily out of it, as she blinks repeatedly before her eyes focus on Caitlin. "Cait?"

The girl in question sighs in relief, her head falling forward onto their joined hands. "Yeah, it's me, pretty girl."

"How am I here? Did he? Oh my God," she begins to panic, looking around the room frantically before she starts to look down at what she's wearing.

Caitlin stops her thoughts immediately by reassuring her that nothing happened, "he didn't, we got there in time."

While it probably wouldn't be recommended to say that to any other victim, Lily was a highly detail oriented person. Caitlin knew that saying anything else would cause even more damage as she liked knowing everything possible.

Lily nods, still looking extremely out of it, and tears pool in her eyes at the thought of what happened. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have worn what I did, and maybe if I just stayed near you this would've never happened."

The brunette shakes her head fiercely, "Lily, look at me," she demands, the girl still rambling so she repeats herself again. "Lily, look at me." This time, she stops talking, looking at her lover while her thoughts are still running through her head.

"Absolutely none of this is your fault." Lily opens her mouth to protest, but Caitlin just cuts her off. "Don't try to fight me on this. Everything that happened tonight was on him. He deserves to rot in hell," her voice breaks at the last words, her mind finally processing what could've happened tonight if they got there a minute later.

Lily just looks at her blankly for a moment, "so you aren't mad at me?"

Caitlin furrows her eyebrows, genuinely confused on why she would be mad at Lily, of all people. "What? No, absolutely not, sweet girl." She reaches up, putting her right hand on Lily's face, "why would you think that?"

The blonde leans into her touch, "well, didn't I kind of cheat on you?"

"You didn't, whatever he told you, it isn't true. I didn't think that, even for a second. You are the most loyal person I know," she mutters, looking at her tenderly.

She just nods in response, "can you help me out of these clothes? I don't wanna wear them for another second."

Caitlin would do anything Lily asks of her, so she helps her take off her clothes at her own pace, stopping whenever the girl needs a break to think. After that she gets dressed in some of Caitlin's clothes, she leads her to the bathroom, lifting her up onto the counter, facing away from the mirror.

"I'm going to get you ready for bed, alright?" She asks, looking into her blue eyes.

Lily nods, her head going to Caitlin's shoulder, breathing in her scent, anything to get her mind of of how his smelt. The brunette just lets her, wrapping her arms around her gently. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For everything." She lifts her head up, leaning her head towards Caitlin's, reaching for a kiss. The brunette lets her once again, kissing her softly.

"You have to get your makeup off, Lils." She whispers once they're done, her left hand moving away from the blondes waist to blindly open the drawer next to her to find the makeup wipes. "Also, don't thank me. I don't need to be thanked for anything."

"You're so humble, it bothers me," she whispers back teasingly, her words starting to slur as she begins to feel the exhaustion of the day hit her.

Caitlin just gives her a look that says "you're one to talk", saying everything but nothing at the same time. While they both know that they'll need to talk about what happened soon, they enjoy the peace of their moment.

There are many options going forward, including whether or not she'll go report him to the police, but while she was in her dissociative state, she had already made the decision. Reporting someone like Connor McCaffery for sexual assault is a death wish, especially as a University of Iowa student. Though, there were many witnesses as to what happened, which gave her the advantage.

She's not going report him, but that doesn't mean she's going to stay silent either.

hmm i wonder what shes going to do!! i meant it when i said "the downfall of connor mccaffery"!! im not letting him go easy TRUST, HE WILL BE DEALT WITH!!!!

anyways i hope you enjoyed this chapter and lilycaitlin softness. ily all so much, also ty for 4k reads??? yall are insane. like actually

dont forget to vote and comment!! love you guys

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