Entry No. 1

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Sliding down the door frame behind me I gave out an exhausted sigh and stood up, and place the grocery bags at the counter and took off my jacket and threw it across my bed.

"That was a close one, I didn't knew we lived close to each other. Why did I startled so frequently?"

Taking Sycues out I stared at it for hours until I decided to cook for my dinner.


Flopping to the warmth and fresh smell of my bedsheets I turn on my phone and watch the tournament earlier.

"Maybe I can be a bladder in this timeline, if my father is young in this year then does that mean Atsume senpai wasn't born yet? Change of plan I'll be creating a fake persona and alias, I don't want to reveal my real name and power just yet. My alias would be Ryuu. And I'll distance myself from my mom and dad. Knowing them in this timeline I should be careful to hide."

Since I've traveled back in time I want to gain my revenge against Lui, I'll trained hard, harder then my usual training I had, and I want to defeat my father securing my promise to him that we made. I'll overpass all the bladders if I trained hard.

Even though I have battled countless legends in my original timeline doesn't mean I'll have to gain more weaker, I'll overpower my limits. I'll destroy Luinor once and for all if I ever got the chance in the third round.

Although I still have to be more careful, if my parent's promise got broken... I'll never exist in the first place, and also my siblings. I won't be able to make Atsume senpai proud. He won't need me..

And I want to know how my mom grew stronger to be that unbeatable.
Sure I haven't battled him yet, because I was anxious, I'm afraid I might stood no chance at my state, I want to battle him if I ever beat my father in the internationals. I want him to see me I have overpowered the greatest legend I revered and admired.

I want to claim my title as the most powerful name worthy to be taken. Since I became a bladder at such a young age I rarely take any breaks and continued training for an entire day. At the time I turn 9 my younger brothers were taken back to Japan, I was alone yet again.

At those vacant days I trained 24/7 and joined tournaments to rise up to the pinnacle of my strength. Whenever I'm done with my homework and duties as the president of the student council I usually escape home and practice in a place I claim to be my training spot. The stadium was covered with weeds and grass for over about years since it was long abandoned.

It seems all I ever do was train, battle, beyblade, and escape. Everything repeated every single day.

Entry No.1

Awoken by the smell of my father's freshly baked beybread from the oven I spranted outside the door of my shared bedroom and ran to the kitchen counter surprising my father from behind I tugged his pants until I gain his full attention.

"Morning Shyru have you slept well?"

"Yeah! Dad when will I ever get my very own bey? I mean it's not like I'm forcing you into giving me one but I want to battle with Shika!"

Dad return a chuckle and continued focusing on moulding some dough, I on the other hand pouted for not receiving a quick answer.

"You will one day."

"You kept telling me that, but when?"

"Trust me you'll have one, just be patient and help me with breakfast"

"Sure! I'll set the table and help you cook!"

The way my dad smiled at me so warmly it almost made me wonder how much does he loved my mother, I question at that statement.

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