feared battle

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Run! No don't! stop! Stop! STOP!

"IM NOT WEAK! I'm not weak!"

"I want to give up. Right now I want to stop but.... I can't"

Many people surrounded me in every corner, colored black and white as they chanted insults to bring me down to my knees. The day they saw me without anyone in my side made them hated me for lack of acquaintance.

"In reality you are a weak bladder no wonder no one likes you"

"Just give up and die!"

"Let's admit it that people grew weak that they never knew who is powerful and who is not"

"People have judge you wrong"

"No one deserves such high rank title to people like you!"

"Shut up and die already!"

"You? The son of two famous bladders in the world?! You must be adopted"

Those shadows then walk away as my family emerge from a far away view.

"Oh Shyru"

"You are nothing but an embarrassment get out of my sight"

But hearing those words coming from the mouths of my parents made me realize how horrible I was to disappoint them.

Shika : Sycues? Sycues got destroyed huh. What a shame and I thought I could battle him when I return. I give my hopes up for nothing.

"I should've have never met you in the first place if that's all your worth. You don't deserve Sycues"

"Sycues is a powerful bey yet it is handed down to the most arrogant bladder there is"

"What a joke, a bladder, him?!"

Grasping my head tightly to the point of pulling my hair out my legs gave in as I got down to my knees I screamed out in agony as I heard a voice from a mile away.

"Hey are you alright?"

As I woke up laid down near the stadium I practice on. Big brown hazelnut eyes cought my surprise along with other people standing near  behind the people whom I claim to be the beyclub.

"What happened? Wait where's Sycues?!"

As I shook my head left to right trying to spot Sycues from places I left I was cutten off by his voice.

"Oh is this bey yours?"

Held out his hand to show my bey I immediately grab it and thanked.

"Yeah! Thanks uhmm Valt san?"

"No need for the formality anyways have we met before?"

"Nope I just heard a rumour about you that's all"

Standing up from the ground my stomach then growled loudly in hunger sweat dropping at the sight I hurriedly ran away with my bey in hand.

"Hey what's the rush?! We can always get some food!"

He yelled swaying his hand as I ignored that expression and went on my way.

I'm sorry but I have to go back to my apartment.

I have to act like somebody else so that I can keep my cover together.

Valt's POV

Today I just met a new student not only that I got to see his bey! It's pretty much like Valtryek and Spryzen combine but I think I'm just hallucinating things.

Earlier in lunch he seem to be in a rush in getting out, does he normally hate beybread? Well anyhow I hope he would taste mine it's way delicious although mom's is an exception.

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