06- oh, so precious

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graciepatel posted a story

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seen by annabelle.sawyer, padfoot, and others


theotherbrother posted

theotherbrother posted

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liked by android, cissy, and others

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liked by android, cissy, and others

theotherbrother dora really knows how to work my angles, doesn't she?

dory i sure do
theotherbrother shag off

barkbark regulus as a cat is worse than regulus as a human
thecooleestrosier the side eye is real

prongs your spam is so different to your main
theotherbrother don't make me regret letting you in here

moony she gets the worst pictures of people
padfoot but also the best ones

grasslands i wish you'd stay a cat. you're less annoying then
theotherbrother i will tell marlene what you did at the slytherin party on tuesday

cissy your stars are so cute reg


GRACIE HAD MANAGED to land herself in detention for the third time in her six years at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

the first time was first year, when she'd gotten lost and missed half of potions.

the second time, she was hanging out with her favourite werewolf who just so happened to be smoking. they both got a week's worth of detentions, even after remus had repeatedly told professor mcgonagall that gracie hadn't done anything wrong.

the third time gracie landed herself in detention was today. slughorn awarded her a month of detention after she accidentally added too much wormwood to a potion and it melted the cauldron, table, and the floor.

her mishap was, of course, thanks to the one and only regulus arcturus black. he'd levitated a feather to tickle her elbow, causing her too add the extra ingredients.

the only positive thing to come out of the situation was that regulus had also gotten detention. also a month as he had caused the incident and it could have hurt a student—not that slughorn really cared, considering gracie was a ravenclaw and regulus was one of his oh, so precious snakes.

she was absolutely fuming as she paced in the gryffindor common room.

"gracie," peter tried, "how about you sit dow? you've just gotten your brand new shoes, and you really love them. you could mess up your shoes."

she slowed down a bit, "i really do love my new shoes."

"exactly!" he gave an exaggerated nod, "so, how about you sit down to keep them nice?"

and she did.

for just the amount of time it took to take off her shoes.

then, she was back to pacing.

as she did, frank longbottom entered the common room with alice fortescue tucked under his arm.

"oi, did she score a ninety again or something?" he asked the boys.

"she has detention," james sighed.

"not just any detention!" gracie corrected, "detention for a month. with black. and it's all his fault!"

"it can't be that bad, gracie," alice offered as she sat on one of the couches next to her boyfriend.

"oh, yes it can," she nodded and increased her pace, "i fully intend to make those detentions hell for him. i hope the daft cow regrets ever messing with me!"

frank blinked. "oh, she's really on one."

"i reckon she'll be on it for a while," remus said without even looking up from his book.


c speaks!

low-key, high-key, middle-key, i have no clue what i'm doing bc idk what to make regulus post.

and also why is finding pics for gracie to post casually so hard???


the archer, regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now